Mount Pleasant by Don Gillmor

Mount PleasantMount Pleasant by Don Gillmor comes in very timely and relevant. It is set in Toronto under Financial Tsunami and the Occupy Movement. Harry Salter, a previous journalist who is now the part-time non-tenure politics professor, is obviously going through his mid-life crisis or even beyond – he needs to deal with his ballooning debt, his crumbling marriage, an unexpected/no emotion involved affair, his challenging son and his aging mother … how many troubles can someone endure all at once, and I haven’t even mentioned his father’s death yet – apparently his father’s death was his hope to get rid of his debt, but his supposedly millions of dollars inheritance turns out to be just a few thousands of dollars …

But problems will always be solved, yes … the black humour of the book does help your reading, too.

I mentioned the book was relevant – I hope you don’t think I am old enough to experience my mid-life crisis yet or whether I have one :), but the book’s comic style with many vivid vignettes of a Torontonian’s life does bring relevance to our lives here in Vaughan – our expanding house sizes, our aging population, our growing next generation, we as ourselves and as citizens …

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About Heather

Heather is the Librarian II, Literacy and Readers' Advisory, with the Vaughan Public Libraries. Her job is to connect leisure readers and aspiring writers with the endless space of imagination and creation through words in all forms.  |  Meet the team