Good to a Fault

book-good-endicottAt first, I started the book but didn’t want to continue – who would bring a whole bunch of strangers to his/her own house and quit his/her job for looking after a stranger’s kids? And then, I changed my mind and stayed up late to see how the crash changes Clara Purdy’s unfulfilled life, how she treats a dying mother’s kids like her own children and gets blame for doing all these out of selfishness, how the dying mother recovers and takes the kids back without letting them say good-bye to Clara, how Clara desperately wants the children back and admits that yes, she is selfish …

But so what, isn’t that she deserves to see the children once in a while at least? Why is the mother afraid of losing her children? But, I might understand – as a mother, my children is my life, and love can be selfish …

The author successfully makes me think – trying to find out the complex motives behind the choices that people make in real life … Marina Endicott deserves the award …

About Heather

Heather is the Librarian II, Literacy and Readers' Advisory, with the Vaughan Public Libraries. Her job is to connect leisure readers and aspiring writers with the endless space of imagination and creation through words in all forms.  |  Meet the team