Becoming a Supple Leopard, by Kelly Starrett

First off the title.  What’s with that? Yes, tongue in cheek, but serious in the sense that most of us are plagued with numerous aches and pains, and are horribly tight and stiff in many areas of our bodies.  Unlike our feline friends who can wake from a deep slumber completely limber, we roll out of bed stiff as a board.  Those of us past 30 do, anyway.  Am I right? Wouldn’t it be nice to be a bit more flexible, relaxed, aligned and pain-free?

This book is written by a former member of the US canoe and kayak team who now holds a doctorate on physical therapy.  He is so west coast cool you have to think deep to catch all the subtle lingo, and follow his drift.  I’m thinking of his gazillion videos on his multi award winning blog mobilityWOD.

leopardIkellyn fact, he is often criticized for being so technical in his language he appeals only to elite athletes and other physical therapists.  I say, if you have any interest in improving your athletic performance, rehabbing an injury, or becoming more pain-free, you will gladly put up with all the hybrid cross-fit language and absorb this book’s awesomeness.  Besides, some of the language is just cute:

Pain-cave – where you go to work on your mobility, work that can sometimes be intense.

Don’t make a pain-face – as in, you might freak out other people in your gym.

Superfriend – somebody who helps you with your mobility by, say, smashing your quads with the bottom of their feet.

Smashing – rolling areas of your body that are tight, with objects such as foam rollers, lacrosse balls, or barbells.

Interested?  Yes, or No?  Place your hold here.