Donuts and Mysteries?! What a perfect combination!

tragic toppings Since my last blog post, I decided that the next book I read will stay within the mystery genre, and as I was browsing the paperbacks on the shelves, I noticed several of them were by one author named Jessica Beck. What really drew me to her books was not only that they dealt with mysteries, but also dealt with food – particularly donuts! The main character of the series, Suzanne Hart, runs a donut shop that she calls Donut Hearts. She is quite busy running her very popular and well-known shop in April Springs, but whenever there is a mystery to be solved in the small town, she uses her amateur sleuthing skills to aid the police department in solving the mystery.

The book that I read in the Donut Shop Mysteries is titled Tragic Toppings and the mystery surrounds a handyman who was known to be very kind and helpful to everyone in April Springs, but wound up murdered in the park. Suzanne discovered the body, and from then on, she makes it her mission to find the killer. This was my first book to read from Donut Shop Mysteries, and I intend to continue reading the series. I would like to find out more about Suzanne and the other mysteries she involves herself in. In fact, it was mentioned in the book that she had been a suspect in a police investigation, and I am intrigued to read the book where this occurs.

Although this particular book that I read is fictional, Beck provides real recipes on making different types of donuts, and personally, they all sound delicious! So, for those who love sweets and reading mysteries (like me), start reading Jessica Beck’s Donut Shop Mysteries!

Here are some of the books in Donut Shop Mysteries that are available at VPL:

glazed murder    fatally frosted    sinister sprinkles    evil eclairs