Down-to-Read with Daniela: We Have Met the Enemy by Daniel Akst

Full Title:
We Have Met the Enemy: Self-Control in an Age of Excess

Age Group:

Non-Fiction, Adult, Social Commentary, Psychology, Historical

In this unique, exploratory text, author Daniel Akst addresses the issue of self control in a modern world obessed with immediate gratification. Not only are we inept at protecting ourselves from these ‘enemies,’ speculates Akst, but we are also tempted by them more and more frequently. Ours is a society rich not only in capital, but also in self indulgence.

My Thoughts:
Self-control, or lack thereof, is a profound issue that we all endure on a day-to-day basis. In fact, it has the been the topic of many conversations with my father. We have both become increasingly aware of the environmental cues that shape our decisions – from what to eat to finding balance between work and leisure.

Akst’s book is a provocative one, though at times he tends to dither a bit too much and repeat his ideas. The text could have been accomplished in much fewer pages than its current 275. And there are times that Akst is much too wordy and lost me at some points. But that said, this is worth a read for those interested in the topic- even just a skim. It’s an important topic and one that deserves even further deconstruction.

Borrow We Have Met the Enemy: Self-Control in an Age of Excess from your local Vaughan Library today!