Down-to-Read with Daniela: Fallen Grace by Mary Hooper

Age Group:
Young Adult

Historical Fiction, International, Mystery, Realistic Fiction, Suspense

Grace must endure the unmentionable. At the vulnerable age of 15, Grace must bury her newly born illegitimate child at the famed Brookwood cemetery, carefully hiding it in a rich lady’s coffin. Grace and her sister are orphaned paupers and this is the only way the baby might receive a proper burial. It is at the cemetery where she meets the lecherous, deceitful Unwin family – funeral directors who offer her a job as a mute. At first Grace is reluctant to take on such a depressing job, but when she and Lily fall on hard times, she is forced to seek their employment. She will soon find out that the Unwins are less than charitable; in fact they are dangerous adversaries.

With the help of a young lawyer, Mr. James Solent, Grace might just have her chance at redemption and a life she’s always dreamed of.

My Thoughts:
Set in 1861 London, I enjoyed Mary Hooper’s rich use of details and historical references. Hooper paints a meticulously accurate portrayal of social hierarchies, showcasing the great poverty and wealth of the time. Grace is a pitiable character who suffers through no fault of her own.

Hooper skillfully unravels three mysteries simulataneously: the true intentions of the Unwin family, the secrets surrounding Grace’s baby, and the whereabouts of Grace’s father. Overall, an interesting novel from a prolific young adult writer.

Borrow Fallen Grace from your local Vaughan Library today!