Down-to-Read with Daniela: Terezin: Voices from the Holocaust by Ruth Thomson

Age Group:

Non-Fiction, International, Holocaust

Between 1941 and 1945, Nazi Germany transformed the small town of Terezín, Czechoslovakia into a ghetto and transit site for death camps. Terezín was a camp plagued not only by disease and starvation, but also by deep deception. Staged as a “show” camp, Terezín was used to fool the world about the horrific living conditions endured by imprisoned Jews. Jewish artists from around the world were forced to use their artistic talents to create propaganda.

In her narrative, Thomson showcases the recovered works of artists who created chilling representations of life in Terezín. She also uses direct testimony from many prisoners, allowing the reader a glimpse into the day-to-day terror.

My Thoughts:
Terezín: Voices From the Holocaust is a short, informative book that will help children understand more about the Holocaust. While the images do evoke the fear and horror of the time, they are not too graphic as to frighten children. The language is fairly easy to understand but an older child will still need some assistance from a parent. Terezin: Voices From the Holocaust would also be a great addition to the curriculum as it is brief and very visual.

An important addition to Holocaust literature, borrow Terezin: Voices From the Holocaust from your local Vaughan library.