Down-to-Read with Daniela: Stolen by Lucy Christopher



Realistic Fiction, Suspense, Psychological Thriller, Survivalism

Age Group:
Young Adult

Meet Gemma: an average teen with a not so average story. Torn from the only family she knows, and abducted by a mysterious and troubled young man, Gemma is thrust into a fight for survival.

After being drugged, Gemma wakes up to find herself in the middle of a desert wasteland with only her abductor, Ty.

Ty tries to befriend Gemma. But Gemma is stubborn and determined to get home. Despite her best efforts, she soon finds herself falling in love with her kidnapper. But can Ty and Gemma survive in their fantasy world?

My Thoughts:
Written as a letter from Gemma to Ty, Stolen explores the boundaries of the human need to survive vs. the need for love and acceptance. Gemma is a plausible victim. Vulnerable and on the cusp of womanhood, she maintains her strength but is still malleable to Ty’s persuasions.

Stolen delicately treads the fine line between the crime done to Gemma and the innocence of Ty and Gemma’s growing relationship. Christopher never authorizes the kidnapping, but she does show readers the shades of gray that exist in our world.

Borrow Stolen from your local Vaughan Library today!