Down-to-Read with Daniela: Lucky by Alice Sebold

Age Group:

Autobiography, Memoir, Non-Fiction, Psychology, American

Alice Sebold, author of The Lovely Bones, shares her remarkable true story of rape and its aftermath, a trauma that clung to her throughout her young adult years. Sebold’s honest, forthright account of the experience is as unsettling as it is compelling. Only 19 years old at the time of the rape, Sebold’s response to the violent crime reveals a strength and determination well beyond her years.

My Thoughts:
This is the first memoir I’ve read about rape and its subsequent effects on a person’s quality of a life. It was interesting to read about it from a well known author whose novel The Lovely Bones also contains a rape scene. Sebold’s description of her rape is shocking and enraging, and her bold attempts to recover can only be described as tenacious acts of bravery.

Borrow Lucky from your local Vaughan library today!

For a high intensity fiction read, try The Lovely Bones, a chilling story of a young girl’s murder told from her perspective in heaven. Watch the movie too!