All posts by Alyssia

About Alyssia

Alyssia is an Adult Services Librarian at the Vaughan Public Libraries. Nothing makes her happier than a great book and a great cup of coffee. She loves fiction in all formats - books, movies, television, you name it - and is always on the lookout for awesome new music.  |  Meet the team

In Praise of Pop Music

It took until my late 20s to admit to myself something I’d been trying to deny for years: I love pop music. Yes, it’s true. And I refuse to be ashamed any longer! When I was a teenager, I ran in the rock/indie crowd. We worshipped either male-fronted bands or manic pixie dream girls. It was patently not acceptable for me to admit that I was secretly grooving to whatever Lady Gaga hit was out at the time. Well, guess what? Lady Gaga is an Oscar winner now, and rock has—for the first time in history—fallen to the conquering hip hop superstars 

Since pop music is mainly associated with women, it’s never taken as seriously as traditionally male genres. It’s met at best with flippancy and at worst disdain. And for a long time, this was my attitude as well. But I realize now that pop can be all the things normally associated with the more “serious” genres: progressive, subversive, political, empowering. This really shouldn’t be a surprise to me. I mean, if we jump back in time 20 years you’ll see me making up Spice Girls routines in the living room, yelling “girl power!!” and exalting the power of female friendships. I didn’t know it at the time, but the seeds of feminism were being planted, and all through Top 40 smash hits. But it took years of undoing whatever damage internalized misogyny had done to me, to see pop music not just as some silly, fluffy nonsense but as an important addition to the music landscape.  

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My Top Five Movies of 2017


It’s January 2018, which means it’s time for 2017 wrap-up lists! I know it’s tempting to just put that dumpster fire of a year behind us and never look back, but I think we can find one facet of 2017 that didn’t let us down: Song of the Summer “Despacito ” featuring Justin Bieber. Just kidding (kind of). I’m actually talking about the incredible films released this year. Even with all the horrific scandals coming out of Hollywood in the last half of the year, the film industry still managed to deliver. What better way to distract from the world than to sit in a dark theatre, munch on some popcorn, and be thoroughly entertained for 2+ hours? I’ve compiled a list of my personal favourites from the year, which was actually pretty hard to do—there were so many great ones this year, and I haven’t seen all of them! So without further ado, here are my personal picks!

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Vaughan Loves Reading

In honour of Canada 150, we’re rounding out the year with a celebration of Canadian literature. On November 25th, the Vaughan Public Libraries is excited to be hosting acclaimed Canadian author Heather O’Neill as part of our Vaughan Loves Reading series. You might recognize O’Neill’s name from her multiple Scotiabank Giller Prize nominations, or her inclusion on Indigo’s Best Books of 2017 list, with The Lonely Hearts Hotel coming in at number four.

I recently had the opportunity to read O’Neill’s newest novel, and it didn’t disappoint. Like her past works, The Lonely Hearts Hotel isn’t always an easy read. There’s abuse, addiction, questionable sexual encounters—but there’s also love, whimsy, and above all, enduring optimism. It’s a story of love flourishing in the seedy underworld of 1930s Montreal.

the lonely hearts hotel book coverAlthough the book is about both Rose and Pierrot, it’s Rose who is the heart of the story. She is a character just buzzing with energy—you half expect her to somersault off the page into your living room as part of one of her acts. Pierrot is less dynamic than Rose, but he’s affable enough to charm his own way around Montreal. O’Neill creates characters who do terrible things without ever losing their innocence, and so you’re always rooting for them to make it through whatever predicament they’ve gotten themselves into. O’Neill’s historic Montreal is alive as well, the chill of a Canadian winter almost tangible through the writing. The story will fully transport you to another time in our country’s history.

If you’re a fan of literature, or want to support the Canadian literary community, come check out Vaughan Loves Reading at the Bathurst Clark Library on Saturday November 25th, from 6:30 pm – 8:30 pm. Heather O’Neill will be giving a talk on her experience as a Canadian writer, and we’ll also be unveiling an anthology curated by local authors titled Voices of Vaughan. We’ll also be serving wine and cheese! So come have a drink, and mingle with the local literary community.

To attend Vaughan Loves Reading, please register on Eventbrite. This event is 19+.

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