All posts by Gabbidon

Alicia’s non-fiction pick That Woman: the Life of Wallis Simpson Duchess of Windsor

Wallis Simpson was referred to by the Queen Mother as ‘ That Woman’.  This book captures the life of the woman who was accused of destabilizing the British Monarch.  She was the subject of royal gossip and just being able to ensnare the British King  caused her to be disliked by many.  The author has put together a well researched biography on Wallis Simpson, an icon of her time !  For those readers interested in Royal biographical history.

Russian memoir

I am reading a memoir A Mountain of Crumbs by Elena Gorokhova. I have always wanted to read novels with a Russian/Soviet Union historical setting and I find this novel particularly moving. Family life, day to day living , struggles and sheer determination are captured in this novel by this author. If you are interested, please add to your summer reading list

Woodbridge Book Club Recommends – The Rembrandt Affair by Daniel Silva

Thriller, espionage,  mystery with a little romance !   Daniel Silva writes a riveting novel, spanning different continents and people in the Art world.  Gabriel Allon, the protagonist in the novel, has been asked to trace a very expensive stolen painting by one of History’s leading painters.  Silva weaves a masterful thriller around World War II and contemporary events. 

The Woodbridge Book club gives this novel  two thumbs up !