All posts by Gabbidon

Bishop’s Man -The Woodbridge Bookclub review is in !

At the last meeting of the Woodbridge Book club, there was a lively discussion on the Bishop’s Man by Linden MacIntyre. Initially, some members thought the book was slow and generally vague with the issue of sex crimes within the church.  Others thought that it was well written and thought provoking.  The two sides found areas for extended discussion.  The general consensus is that the book was serious, entertaining and riveting.  Recommended by the Book club.

Woodbridge Library- Biography and Memoir Collection

The Woodbridge Library now has a collection for Biography and Memoirs.  If you are interested in biographies of Anne Murray ( All of Me ),  Susan Boyle ( The Woman I was Born to Be – My story ) or any other person, come to our location and browse our collection.  There is something for everyone !

Alicia’s Pick – The Bishop’s Man

 The Bishop’s Man is the Scotiabank Giller prize winner for 2009. Father Duncan MacAskill is known as the ‘Exorcist’ because of his special role as the clean-up man for the Bishop of Antigonish.  Duncan deals successfully with deviant priests and their victims.  He feels strongly about his role in defending the good name of the Church.  All of this changes when the police and lawyers initiate investigations digging for possible criminal offences within the Church !