All posts by Gabbidon

Woodbridge Book Club -Pick

The Woodbridge Book Club read The White Tiger by Aravind Adiga and the members unanimously  recommend this 2008 Man Booker Prize award novel. Set in India, this book explores themes of social injustice, class mobility, servitute and corruption amid India’s growing economic development.  The story centers around the life  of  Balram, whose main aim is to be acknowledged and treated with respect as a man.  Is murder justified for social mobility?  How does the Chinese Premier fit into this almost comedic drama ?

Have a read and let us know what you think.

Alicia’s pick – Can you hear the Nightbird Call ?

The Woodbridge Book club read this book at the last meeting and gave it two thumbs up !  We had an exciting discussion on issues of migration and the assimilation of a group into a new cultural environment.  The book also provided an historical background of the Partition of India and Pakistan in 1947 to the tragic explosion of Air India flight 182 off the coast of Ireland.  It explores generations of families and friends , linked together by love and common tragedies.
