All posts by Gabbidon

The Heart Specialist – Claire Holden Rothman

Lawrence Hill, author of ‘ The Book of Negroes’ , describes this novel as an ‘outstanding, literary achievement.’  This novel was inspired by the life of Dr. Maude Abbott, a woman who was one of Montreal’s first female doctors.  The protagonist in the novel, Agnes White, is fascinated with biology and is seen as different because this interest is seen as unladylike.  Agnes, even with opposition from people around her and the general obstacles from a male dominated society pursued her ambitions to become a doctor at Mc Gill University.

The Plutocracy:the rise of the new global super-rich and fall of everyone else- Chrystia Freeland

Journalist and author Chrystia Freeland conducted  interviews with millionaires and billionaires, persons who generally make up the world’s super-rich elite.  This exclusive group has made their wealth through hard work and sacrifice and not necessarily from inheritance.  The book highlights the general disconnect between the middle class and this group that has emerged from the middle class.  There is a difference in reality, sense of entitlement and also disdain for the average American.  Recommended for readers interested in politics and economics.

No time for goodbye – Linwood Barclay

Suspense filled thriller by Linwood Barclay !   For 25 years  Cynthia did not now what happened to her family.  They had practically disappeared overnight.  She awoke  to find the house empty and her parents and brother gone without a trace.  She feels now that she is being followed and is finally ready to confront the truth… or is she .