All posts by sekoia

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Enjoying the journey in older adulthood and beyond.  |  Meet the team

Kumaré: the story of a fake guru and his real message

Those of us in the west are probably justified if we treat any whiff of a guru with skepticism. After all, there have been a steady stream of questionable gurus making their way through our collective culture over the past fifty odd years. *  Together, questionable gurus and desperate seekers make for a disturbing reality, one we’ve witnessed time and time again.

If you find the psychological sleuthing surrounding false gurus and their starry eyed followers juicy, and if you appreciate the mockumentaries of Sacha Baron Cohen, of Borat fame, you’ll find lots to like in this movie.   Not straight up funny, but definitely giggle worthy.

Writer, Director & Star, Vikram Gandhi, grew up in New Jersey,  within a family of Indian immigrants.  His grandmother would regularly perform morning Hindu rituals and it is to her that the film is dedicated.   He finds it easy to grow his hair and beard long, don orange robes, adopt a strong accent, and acquire a following.   Frighteningly easy.  In the end he must come clean and confess his deceit.  It takes him more than one attempt to reveal the truth, and in doing so his authentic message becomes clear.  The guru is within, and we are all our own gurus.  Each of his followers is free and has no need for him.  We are on the edges of our seats waiting to see how the followers will react.  Will they eat him for lunch, or choose to be more spiritually evolved?

You’ll be surprised.  You’ll be  embarrassed.  You’ll hate that so many people were duped.  You’ll understand that these seekers are mostly sincere, and many have had real, measurable improvements in their lives as a result of Kumaré’s teaching.  As for Kumaré, what is it like for Vikram to return to normal life after being such a lofty character?  I love this movie.

* I recognize that not all gurus are or have been charlatans.

Swinging with Kettlebells


Gyms are so not for me! Sorry! I just can’t find anything appealing about them and haven’t set foot in one for over 20 years. If I am going to exercise and take the time to look after myself it has to be fun and I have to look forward to it.  Period.  Life is too short to haul myself out just so I can cross off one more thing on the ‘to do’ list.

That’s why I love yoga so much.  No fees (I practice at home most of the time), no need for fancy chick-a-doo workout clothes, no manuals to figure out complicated gym equipment, no competitive show offs in sight, no need for ear plugs to drown out the less desirable tunes.  All you need is a yoga mat and a 3 foot by 7 foot space to roll it out.  Done. Oh, and some motivation. But I want to talk about Kettlebells.

I was passing the display units at Pierre Berton Resource library and noticed a new fitness book called The Swing!  Lose the Fat and Get Fit with this Revolutionary Kettlebell Program, by Tracy Reifkind.  I keep hearing about Kettlebells and how they are so much more effective, challenging and FUN than traditional weights.  Reifkind states that all her students without exception comment on how fun it is to swing these hunks of iron, while the same cannot be said for the more traditional dumbbells.  I am intrigued and check out the book.

Why are Kettlebells on my radar?  Apparently I have an ancient injury in my right shoulder.  Though I wasn’t aware of it until very recently, the right shoulder is visibly smaller and weaker than my left shoulder.  WHY did nobody ever tell me??  This has started to cause problems because when doing yoga I’m putting undue pressure on the tendons to compensate for the lack of muscle on that side.  Explains why I usually fall (face-plant) on that side (though NEVER EVER on the other side) when making rare attempts at fancy poses like Galavasana.  Gala what?  Galavasana means flying crow pose. Think asymmetrical arm balance. Kettlebells, Kettlebells, Kettlebells, I want to talk about KETTLEBELLS (suuursly…)

Apparently I need to strengthen the stabilizer muscles in my shoulders.  With an old injury the muscles sort of turn off and forget how to function.  Makes it very hard to strengthen them if they refuse to do any work!!  And no, not even the magic of Yoga has convinced these muscles to behave.  I’ve been using therabands (those weird latexy things) to try to ‘wake’ these muscles up.  Hasn’t seemed to have done much good.  I’m willing to wager a bet that the kettlebells will be just the thing to wake these muscles from their slumber.

This is the author, Tracy Reifkind.  I know…pretty heavy duty.  For Tracy, the original attraction to Kettlebells is their amazing ability to take off the weight.  She lost 120 pounds.  For me that is not the focus. All the women in my family I take after are of the shrinking variety.  They shrink with age.  With shrinkage comes brittle bones and frailty.  Weight resistance training is perfect to counter shrinkage and remain robust for longer.  Not forever, just for longer.

Very importantly, you don’t need to go to the gym to use Kettlebells!  You really only need one Kettlebell of the appropriate weight for your size and strength.  Two is useful to have, but only one is necessary.  Oh, and a mat to protect your floor from the hunk of iron.

Strong stabilizer shoulder muscles, here I come!

To be continued……..


Vaughan Grows Seed Library & All Things Seedy

Join us for the launch of the new Vaughan Grows Seed Library.  What is a seed library, you ask? A seed library is a non-profit lending library that lends heirloom seeds at no financial cost, and accepts saved seed for the enjoyment of all in the community.  Pick up tips on growing from seed and saving seed, and enjoy some free seed (in limited quantity) to get you started!  Saturday, June 1, noon, at Pierre Berton Resource Library.

Seed Donations are always welcome throughout the year!

Prior to the Seed Library launch, the Mississauga Master Gardeners will be on hand to dish out their All Things Seedy growing tips.  This is a not-to-be-missed event for those at all levels of gardening ability.  10.15 – 11.45 am at Pierre Berton Resource Library, Saturday June 1st.  Please register for the All Things Seedy talk by calling 905 653 7323 ext. 4308

Check out these new titles on seed saving:

The Complete Guide to Preserving Your Own Seeds for Your Garden






The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Seed Saving & Starting 



Keep Planting!