All posts by Kim

About Kim

Kim is a Youth Services Librarian at Pierre Berton Resource Library who sometimes reads books for grown-ups.  |  Meet the team

Eating My Greens

cover image of The Oh She Glows CookbookThis past winter, I started seeing a naturopathic doctor at the suggestion of my physiotherapist. I had been suffering from pain in my neck and shoulder for some time, and no amount of acupuncture or stretching seemed to work. The naturopath believed my pain was from inflammation that was being made worse by my diet. It turns out I ate too many processed foods, and my weakness for baked goods wasn’t doing me any favours either. The doctor suggested that I try cutting back on sugar and salt, eating more whole foods, avoiding gluten and dairy, and eating less meat. At first this was very difficult for me given that I grew up eating meat and potatoes for dinner every night and had never really considered myself much of a cook. Enter The Oh She Glows Cookbook. Continue reading

Circling the Sun by Paula McLain

Circling the Sun by Paula McLainIf you love historical fiction and stories about strong women, you might want to check out Circling the Sun by Paula McLain. This novel is a fictitious story about the life of author, racehorse trainer, and bush pilot Beryl Markham. Born in England but raised in Kenya, Beryl is fiercely independent, preferring to spend her time hunting with the local Kenyan boys and seeing who can throw a spear the farthest rather than go to school and learn how to behave like a “lady.” Beryl’s father instills in her a love of horses that eventually leads Beryl to become the first licensed female horse trainer. Needless to say, being a woman in a male-dominated field proves difficult, but Beryl perseveres despite the sexism she faces, letting her record on the racetrack speaks for itself. Continue reading