All posts by Lily

About Lily

Information Assistant at CCRL. I enjoy trying different things. I'm curious about my surroundings and I'm a tree hugger.  |  Meet the team

Better than fiction: Defiant Requiem

Following the narratives of survivors, Defiant Requiem tells the unbelievable story ofDefiant Requiem Rafael Schachter, a Czech conductor who sparks hope and spirit among his fellow prisoners, in the darkest time at the Terezin concentration camp. This documentary is nicely done: the mournful music really enhanced the survivor’s account of their history with the Holocaust and with their source of hope–Schachter. It was Schachter’s endless pursuit of music that made labor and torture more bearable; it was through music, that the prisons were able to express something they did not dare to say to the Nazis. It is a remarkable film to watch; it is painfully beautify.

Related: art produced during the holocaust

Terezín : voices from the Holocaust

My secret camera : life in the Lodz ghetto

Art from the ashes : a Holocaust anthology


Food, Inc. (2008, Directed by Robert Kenner)

I watched Food, Inc. to complete this week’s task for the eco-action challenge. This film unveils the current situation in the American food industry. There were a lot of information MV5BNDM4MjY4NjU1Ml5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTcwNzg4NzA1Mg@@__V1_that was unsettling, or even a little disturbing to me. Without giving out too much content, one thing I found especially interesting is the extent of engineering used in today’s food market and food source. People use technology and chemical to alter the natural ways of things, in order to maximize profit. Plants and the way animals are raised are engineered towards the benefit of major corporates. As a result, the environment suffers, the farmers suffer, and ultimately, consumers suffer.

It is an important film to raise awareness of what we eat, where food comes from, and to make people think.



Food fight : the inside story of the food industry, America’s obesity crisis, and what we can do about it

Real food fake food : why you don’t know what you’re eating & what you can do about it

Mystical Landscapes

Mystical Landscapes is the latest exhibition at the Art Gallery of Ontario (AGO), featuring 90 Vincent van Gogh's The Starry Night over the Rhone at Arles, 1888.paintings and 20 works on paper by 36 artists from 15 countries. Among the breathtakingly beautiful works, are paintings by Van Gogh, Monet, O’Keefe, Munch, Gauguin, and many other famous artists. Another highlight was works by Canadian painters, such as Emily Carr and the group of seven, were also a part of the exhibition.

Mysticism is “the feeling of connecting with a deeper reality, a power much greater than ourselves, is a mystical experience. These experiences may reach any of us through the contemplation of nature and the cosmos. We are moved by the beauty of sunrise and sunset, the stars in the night sky, the reflections of the moon on lakes, the power of the ocean waves and the vision of snow-capped mountains”.

This exhibition collects the artists’ mystical experiences of something greater than themselves, expressed in paintings. I think it is truly eye-opening because I have never thought about landscape paintings in a religious sense. The audio guide does a great job providing background information of artists’ life, so I had a better understanding of their paintings.

Despite of my love for Van Gogh and Monet, Eugene Jansson’s paintings caught my eyes. Image result for eugene jansson artistHe explores the contrast between the night and the street lights. His depiction of cityscape at night is usually seen as the representation of the death of spirituality, whereas the other artists’ nature landscape in the exhibition is seen as the rise/development of spirituality.


Tips: Free audio guide with admission; be sure to take advantage!! The exhibition opens from Oct 22 2016 to Jan 29 2017


Related reads:

The letters of Vincent van Gogh

Van Gogh’s imaginary museum : exploring the artist’s inner world

Mad enchantment: Claude Monet and the painting of the water lilies

Defiant spirits : the modernist revolution of the Group of Seven

Inward journey : the life of Lawren Harris