All posts by Daniela

About Daniela

Daniela is the Teen Advocate Librarian for Vaughan Public Libraries.  |  Meet the team

Down-to-Read with Daniela: Repairing Rainbows by Lynda Fishman

Age Group:

Autobiography, Canadian, Non-Fiction, Mental Health, Psychology

July 5, 1970. A day that would change 13 year-old Lynda and her family forever. A fatal plane crash kills Lynda’s mother and two younger sisters. What follows is the true story of how Lynda, her father and the rest of Lynda’s family deal with the grief and despair of its aftermath. Consumed with sorrow, Lynda struggles to hold herself together and deal with her distraught father. Healing is a slow process for Lynda and things only get more difficult when her father remarries. Throughout it all, Lynda hangs on to life with hope, determination and the keen sense that “[w]e always have choices.”

My Thoughts:
A story more remarkable and suspenseful than any blockbuster movie out there! What Lynda had to endure was horrific. Lynda’s family and friends truly came together to help and protect her. Their solidarity and dedication gave Lynda the will to go on and pursue her dreams.

Check out Zee’s review too!

Borrow Repairing Rainbows from your local Vaughan library today!

Down-to-Read with Daniela: Lucky by Alice Sebold

Age Group:

Autobiography, Memoir, Non-Fiction, Psychology, American

Alice Sebold, author of The Lovely Bones, shares her remarkable true story of rape and its aftermath, a trauma that clung to her throughout her young adult years. Sebold’s honest, forthright account of the experience is as unsettling as it is compelling. Only 19 years old at the time of the rape, Sebold’s response to the violent crime reveals a strength and determination well beyond her years.

My Thoughts:
This is the first memoir I’ve read about rape and its subsequent effects on a person’s quality of a life. It was interesting to read about it from a well known author whose novel The Lovely Bones also contains a rape scene. Sebold’s description of her rape is shocking and enraging, and her bold attempts to recover can only be described as tenacious acts of bravery.

Borrow Lucky from your local Vaughan library today!

For a high intensity fiction read, try The Lovely Bones, a chilling story of a young girl’s murder told from her perspective in heaven. Watch the movie too!

Down-to-Read with Daniela: On Parade by Rob Laidlaw

Full Title:
On Parade: the hidden world of animals in entertainment

Age Group:
All ages

Non-Fiction, Animal Welfare, Canadian, History

On Parade explores the ways that animals are used for entertainment purposes. From circuses and movie stars, to rodeos and swim with the dolphin programs, the manipulation of animals is prolific. Through years of extensive research, Laidlaw compiles a short and accessible child’s book for animal loving children who want to make a difference in the lives of animals.

My Thoughts:
Given to me by a friend, I finished this book up in just a few hours. I thought I knew a lot about animal welfare issues, but this book opened up my eyes to the lesser known plight of animals in entertainment. Laidlaw’s use of pictures is also captivating, especially given that many of them are taken by Laidlaw himself and his organization Zoocheck.

This book would be a suitable choice for socially conscious parents and their children to read together. Knowledge is power and with this knowledge children will be able to make decisions that support the positive treatment of animals.

Borrow On Parade: the hidden world of animals in entertainment from you local Vaughan library today!