All posts by Daniela

About Daniela

Daniela is the Teen Advocate Librarian for Vaughan Public Libraries.  |  Meet the team

Down-to-Read with Daniela: He’s Just Not That Into You by Greg Behrendt and Liz Tucillo

Full Title:
He’s Just Not That Into You: The No-Excuses Truth to Understanding Guys

Age Group:

Themes and Genres:
Non-Fiction, Psychology, Self-Help, Man-Woman Relationships, Communication, Sex Differences

The witty, hilarious Greg – and his accomplice Liz – explore dating through a typical man’s point of view. Using a letter-answer format, Greg tackles some of the most challenging relationship difficulties that women endure at the hands of their disaffected male partners. Not only does Greg warn us that they are just not that into us, but he urges us to save “the pretty” and demand more from the men in our love lives.

My Thoughts:
I know, I know, how embarassing to admit that I actually voluntarily read this. Not to mention it’s pushing on being a decade old now. But it’s amazing to see how the phrase, rather the phenomena “he’s just not that into you” continues to prevail in pop culture, even spurring a fairly recent movie adaptation.

While this book does play into many male-female stereotypes, there is a lot that rings true. And Greg’s witty banter is also entertaining to read. Ultimately, rather than being a depressing tirade on the inadequacies of the male gender, the book succeeds in uplifting women to recognize deception in their male partners and to have the confidence to save themselves for someone much better.

The book also includes these mini-workbooks at the end. I loved this one, especially the responses I found scrawled in (tsk!tsk!) from library patrons:


1. I will not date men period! (I am becoming a nun)
2. I will never give him the upper hand!

And there you have it. Real responses straight from our patrons! Book vandalism, but hilarious nonetheless. Gotta love it.

See what all the hype is about and borrow He’s Just Not That Into You from your local Vaughan library. Try the movie too. It’s quite entertaining!

Down-to-Read with Daniela: Terezin: Voices from the Holocaust by Ruth Thomson

Age Group:

Non-Fiction, International, Holocaust

Between 1941 and 1945, Nazi Germany transformed the small town of Terezín, Czechoslovakia into a ghetto and transit site for death camps. Terezín was a camp plagued not only by disease and starvation, but also by deep deception. Staged as a “show” camp, Terezín was used to fool the world about the horrific living conditions endured by imprisoned Jews. Jewish artists from around the world were forced to use their artistic talents to create propaganda.

In her narrative, Thomson showcases the recovered works of artists who created chilling representations of life in Terezín. She also uses direct testimony from many prisoners, allowing the reader a glimpse into the day-to-day terror.

My Thoughts:
Terezín: Voices From the Holocaust is a short, informative book that will help children understand more about the Holocaust. While the images do evoke the fear and horror of the time, they are not too graphic as to frighten children. The language is fairly easy to understand but an older child will still need some assistance from a parent. Terezin: Voices From the Holocaust would also be a great addition to the curriculum as it is brief and very visual.

An important addition to Holocaust literature, borrow Terezin: Voices From the Holocaust from your local Vaughan library.

Down-to-Read with Daniela: Bloodthirsty by Flynn Meaney

Age Group:
Young Adult

American Literature, Coming-of-age, Realistic Fiction, Humourous, Supernatural

In this refreshing twist on the traditional vampire narrative, we meet Finbar Frame, a two shades too pale, sensitive bookworm who stumbles upon a bright idea. Noticing that girls his age are practically swooning over Bloodthirsty, a sexy vampire novel, Finbar decides it’s time for a re-invention. If pale is the new tan, then Finbar thinks he’s finally found a way to get with girls. Finbar is going to become a vampire at his new school!

With a new mysterious aura, Finbar will finally rival his handsome, athletic brother Luke. When Finbar starts to make new friends and meets a sweet, smart girl named Kate, he realizes that pretending to be a vampire might have given him the confidence to be himself.

My Thoughts:
Bloodthirsty is a cute, quick read that subtly pokes fun at the vampire genre. Finbar is a likable character whose experiences will echo those of many teens who will try anything to rise the ranks of high school popularity. What’s great about this story is Finbar’s transformation. As he adopts vampire characteristics, Finbar learns that it’s okay to be himself, but it’s also fun to try new things and take risks. Finbar is an underdog who manages to become popular AND get the girl! An uplifting read!

Borrow Bloodthirsty from your local Vaughan Library today!