All posts by Daniela

About Daniela

Daniela is the Teen Advocate Librarian for Vaughan Public Libraries.  |  Meet the team

Free @ Your Library: Video Games

cover imagecover imagecover imageIn this inaugural edition of Free @ Your Library, we’ll be taking a look at video games for loan.

Did you know Vaughan Public Libraries owns 190 unique video games. The formats available include PS3, PS4, Xbox One and WiiU. Videogames can be loaned out for a period of one week. Every library in Vaughan offers a diverse selection of titles.

Want even more free? Brush up on your knowledge with our vast range of reading materials. Learn about the history of video games, the different platforms, genres, and the future of video games. Have you ever imagined what it’s like to be a character in your favourite video game? Take an adventure with video game villain Ralph, who goes from bad guy to wannabe hero in the movie Wreck-It RalphMaybe you’re even thinking about making a career out of your video game obsession! 

With prices ranging from $10-$60, video games can be a steep investment. Vaughan Public Libraries gives you the opportunity to test drive games before making a big purchase.

Down-to-Read with Daniela: What I Know For Sure by O. Winfrey

Over the years I’ve had a like/dislike relationship with Oprah Winfrey.

Fueling the dislike was Oprah’s daytime talk show. I found it chock full of an obnoxious amount of commercials. Oprah herself would continually interrupt her guests at inopportune moments for every lengthy commercial break. When the show was cancelled in 2011, I was saved from watching it every afternoon with family members. Phew!

My opinion of Oprah began a slow reform when Oprah launched the OWN network. Original TV Shows like Master Class and Where Are They Now? revealed a side of Oprah I’d never noticed before. These shows were less about Oprah and her ego and more about exploring other great figures, their stories, their successes and failures. Even more, I found myself reading O Magazine and enjoying the useful tips, inspiring articles (many by Martha Beck) and down-to-earth wisdom offered in her column “What I Know For Sure.”

When Oprah published an autiobiographical book of the same name in 2014, I thought I’d give it a try. The book is a compilation of insights into Oprah’s earlier years, her rise to fame, and how she stays grounded in a frenetic, demanding world. Oprah in small doses – I could handle this!

I found myself growing more and more in my respect for Oprah. Her dark beginnings shaped a woman determined to succeed in all aspects of life. Born into poverty, the daughter of a teenage single mother, Oprah was raped at age nine, later became pregnant at age 14 and lost the baby in infancy. Not one to be easily discouraged, Oprah’s resilience and work ethic quickly landed her a job in radio, and later a daytime talk-show. And the rest is history!

What I Know For Sure is a light read that offers little nuggets of wisdom in an easily palatable format. The perfect “right before bed” read, guaranteed to get you thinking about life, the choices we make, and the power of positive thinking. Borrow a copy of What I Know For Sure from your local Vaughan Library today!


Watching Lena Dunham on Girls

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It’s been quite a while since I could really sink my teeth into a comedy – drama TV series (other than the barrage of reality TV that always seems to suck me in). And I wasn’t disappointed when I picked up season one of Girls on a whim. Having seen previews of this show numerous times on TV (but not having HBO), I actually didn’t think it would be easy to get my hands on a copy. But lo and behold, my public library to the rescue with seasons one to three available and commercial free (woohoo!). Needless to say, two nights later and I’d already devoured season one.

The show is practically an anecdote for my own young adult own life. The lead character Hannah (played by Lena Dunham), with her poor self body image, obsessive, slightly narcissistic (but unintentionally) personality, is believable and like-able right from the start. Finally a leading female character with an ‘average’ figure whose body doesn’t have to be the butt of all jokes (read: Melissa McCarthy), who hangs out with attractive girlfriends and bemuses her sexy, quirky boyfriend Adam (Adam Driver).

At a birthday dinner the other evening, friends and I discussed the appeal of Girls. John and Elisa shared my enthusiasm and we recalled our favourite memorable quips. They warned me that the plot begins to lag in season two but quickly heats up again by season three. The show is currently airing season four on HBO.

I can’t wait to delve into season two of Girls to see what happens to this eccentric band of friends. I wonder if Hannah and Adam will stick it out. I’m also curious what awaits the rest of the “girls” as they navigate life, love and relationships.

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Following the success of Girls, creator, producer and star Lena Dunham published her autobiographical book Not That Kind of Girl: a young woman tells you what she’s ‘learned.’ If you’re looking for a light read full of humourous ‘slice of life stories,’ request a copy at your local Vaughan library!

Have you read the book or watched the show? Let us know what you thought in the comments section below! (rhyming is encouraged hah!).