All posts by Pamela

About Pamela

Pamela is an Information Assistant at Vaughan Public Libraries. She loves reading all kinds of books including fantasy, historical fiction, mysteries and non-fiction.  |  Meet the team

Pamela’s Picks: Call The Midwife – Season 5

call the midwife season five


One of my favorite current TV dramas is the British series Call The Midwife which takes place in London’s poor East End in the 1950s and 1960s. This year was season 5 which takes place in 1961 and  continues storylines, both medical and personal, that happened in previous seasons along with new ones. Midwife Trixie broke up with Reverend Tom but he’s now interested in Midwife Barbara. Will they get together or will Trixie’s jealousy prevent it? Patsy and Delia are trying to repair their secret romantic relationship after Delia’s accident and amnesia last season. Women, among them Sister Mary Cynthia, are being assaulted – will she be able to lead the police to the attacker? The dangers of smoking are addressed. Then there are all those babies being born with horrible deformities. What could be causing them? And in the last episode the convent suffers a tragic loss. Now I’m looking forward to seeing what will happen next year in Season 6.


Pamela’s Picks: The Daughter Of Time by Josephine Tey

Daughter of TimeAs a history buff one of the things I like best is historical mysteries and one of the best fictional books on one famous mystery is The Daughter Of Time by Josephine Tey (1951). Scotland Yard inspector Alan Grant is laid up after an accident and after coming across a picture of Richard III, King of England from 1483 to 1485, he becomes intrigued by Richard’s face and wonders if this is the face of a murderer. He becomes interested in figuring out the mystery if Richard killed his nephews, the princes in the tower and heirs to the throne. After doing research from books and getting help from friends and acquaintances Alan and his new friend and researcher Brent come to the belief the belief that Richard being the murderer was Tudor propaganda and the more likely killer was the next king, King Henry VII. It’s a good mystery and put me firmly in the Richard is innocent camp. This is a timely story since the body of Richard III was discovered in 2012 after more than 500 years of not knowing where he was buried, and was reburied last year in Leicester Cathedral.

Pamela’s Picks: Call The Midwife

Call the midwife box set series 1-4




Along with Downton Abbey, one of my favorite British period dramas is Call The Midwife. It takes place in late 1950s and early 1960’s Britain in the poverty stricken district of London’s east end. The midwives and nuns are based at Nonnatus House, an Anglican nursing convent. The show deals with concerns of the time relating to pregnancy such as abortion, incest and the effects of the drug Thalidomide but also with the characters’ personal lives including faith, friendships, dating and marriage. Some of the episodes are heartbreaking since bad things do happen but many are joyous in the celebration of life, love and relationships. The television show is based on a series of books by a real life midwife Jennifer Worth. If you like the television show, try the books!