All posts by Pamela

About Pamela

Pamela is an Information Assistant at Vaughan Public Libraries. She loves reading all kinds of books including fantasy, historical fiction, mysteries and non-fiction.  |  Meet the team

Pamela’s Picks: Downton Abbey – Season 6


Downton Abbey - Season 6


Fans of Downton Abbey in North America have now seen the penultimate episode of this series about the lives and loves of the Crawley family and their servants. Only the last episode is left and then the series will be completely over. I watched the season 6 Christmas special in December through streaming from England so I already know what’s going to happen but I plan to watch it again when it airs here. For those who haven’t seen it yet, some questions remaining are will Edith and her Marquess get back together? Will Tom find love again? Will Isobel choose Lord Merton or Dr. Clarkson or neither of them? Will Anna deliver her baby safely? Will Daisy leave service? Will Baxter and Molesley get together romantically? What will happen to Thomas? All these questions will be answered, more or less, but – spoiler alert – like in real life not all characters will get a straightforward resolution.

While it will be strange to have no new episodes to look forward to there will still be sites on which to discuss the series, fanfiction to read and the episodes on DVD to watch again and again.




Pamela’s Picks: Terry Pratchett

Terry Pratchett






Fantasy literature lost a great author when Terry Pratchett died in March. Pratchett is best known for his Discworld books which take place on a disc resting on the backs of four giant elephants, all supported by a giant turtle who swims its way through space. The world is populated by not only humans but orcs, trolls, vampires, witches, dwarfs, and other mystical creatures and it’s a place where magic works. Many of the books parody real world civilizations such as Australia, Ancient Greece and Ancient Egypt, also other things like universities, rock and roll music, film making and newspaper publishing. His books are not only clever but humorous.

Pratchett’s last book, part of the Discworld series, The Shepherd’s Crown, has just been published. It’s part of the Tiffany Aching subseries about Tiffany who is an aspiring witch and it’s a fitting conclusion to both the Tiffany series and the Discworld universe as a whole. For any fantasy fans who haven’t yet tried Pratchett’s books I definitely recommend them.


Pamela’s Picks: The Rosie Project

Rosie Project



For October’s Dufferin Clark Book Club the book I read was The Rosie Project by Graeme Simsion. Don Tillman, a genetics professor, sets up the Wife Project, trying a scientific way of finding the perfect partner by designing a questionnaire, which ends up not working as well as he though it would. During this time he meets Rosie, a barmaid, who wants to find her biological father, which Don terms the Father Project. To his surprise Don is not attracted to any of the candidates who look good on paper but is attracted to Rosie who he considers an unsuitable candidate. Don’s failed dates are funny to read about as is his slowly developing realization that he is falling in love with Rosie which he does not want to believe.  Their escapades in eliminating candidates for the Father Project are also humorous. At the end true love prevails. There is a sequel, The Rosie Effect, where Rosie becomes pregnant which I plan to read as well since I want to know what happens next.

If you like talking about books the next Dufferin Clark Book Chat will be on Thursday, Nov. 12 at 7:00pm at which The Three Weissmanns Of Westport by Cathleen Schine will be discussed. Books are provided by the library.