All posts by Pamela

About Pamela

Pamela is an Information Assistant at Vaughan Public Libraries. She loves reading all kinds of books including fantasy, historical fiction, mysteries and non-fiction.  |  Meet the team

Pamela’s Picks: Cats

Cats by Bruce Fogle


As someone who recently got a new kitten, I’ve been rereading some of my favorite cat books, both fiction and non-fiction. One of the ones I really like is Cats by Dr. Bruce Fogle, an Eyewitness book. One of the things I like most about Eyewitness books is that they’re full of bright color photos and this one is no exception – it’s packed with photos of kittens and cats. It covers just about everything you could want to know about cats, their history, different breeds, behaviors, life stages from kittenhood to seniors, health, and much more. If you have a kitten or cat or just enjoy reading about them try this book.

Some other enjoyable books about cats:

Dewey The Library Cat  A True Story by Vicki Myron

Bad Kitty by Nick Bruel

Catification : designing a happy and stylish home for your cat (and you!) by Jackson Galaxy

Chi’s Sweet Home Volume 1 by Konami Kanata





Pamela’s Picks: Outlander

Outlander-TV_series-2014One of the new TV series that I’ve gotten hooked on this year is Outlander based on the first novel in the Outlander series by Diana Gabaldon. The story is both fantasy and historical fiction in that British nurse Claire Randall time travels from post WWII Britain to 18th Century Scotland. This is during a time of conflict between England and Scotland and Claire is suspected of being a British spy by some of the leaders of Clan Mackenzie, the clan that has kidnapped her and makes her become their healer. 18th century Scotland was a brutal time to live in and more so for women as they had little power over their own lives and are very much at the mercy of men as Claire finds out to her dismay. One of the injured men she helps during this time is Scot Jamie MacTavish, a man who will become very important in her future. The latest episode ended with Claire still hoping to make it back to the standing stones that took her back in time in the hope that she can return back to 20th century Britain and the husband she has there. If you are interested in watching the TV series it is showing on Sundays at 10pm on Showcase. Or read the novels which are available at Vaughan Public Libraries.

Pamela’s Picks: The Dionnes by Ellie Tescher

The Dionnes by Ellie Tescher


Big families, especially those with multiple births are popular these days as can be seen by television programs like 19 Kids and Counting and Quints By Surprise. But in the 1930s Canada was in the news after a unique birth took place on May 28, 1934 – identical quintuplet girls conceived naturally, a feat that has not happened since then. The five girls Yvonne, Annette, Cecile, Emilie and Marie Dionne were born to a poor French Canadian family in the small town of Corbeil Ontario to parents who already had five children. Their father, Oilva, was persuaded to exhibit his children at the World’s Fair and this raised the issue of exploitation. The children were then taken away from their family by the government and put under the guardianship of their doctor Dr. Roy Defoe and two others who exploited the children themselves by putting them on display for many years in a complex that was called Quintland.

This separation was to have lifelong repercussions. When the quintuplets were returned to their family after a lengthy court battle, they couldn’t relate to the rest of the family or their way of life. They felt that they were treated differently and worse than their siblings. They also later claimed their father sexually abused them. They left the family home as early as possible and had little contact with their parents afterwards. One of the quintuplets, Emilie died at the young  age of 20 because of an epileptic seizure. Three of the other quintuplets married and had children but all marriages failed. The fifth quint tried convent life. Only two of the quints, Annette and Cecile are alive now but their story lives on, eighty years after their birth, in the many books that have been written about them like this one, The Dionnes by Ellie Tescher.

Dionne Quints 7 Birth Day