Down-to-Read with Daniela: 51/50: The Magical Adventures of a Single Life by Kristen McGuiness

Age Group:

Non-Fiction, Memoir, Pyschology, Social Experiment, Relationships, American, Chick-lit, Self-Help

51 dates in 50 weeks. This is the goal that 30-year-old, very single LA transplant Kristen McGuiness sets for herself. Tired of waiting for ‘Mr. Right’ to find her, Kristen embarks on a complex journey to find out what she really wants and get back into the dating game. Troubled by a less than perfect relationship with her convict drug smuggler father- and haunted by memories of previous lovers-Kristen’s got some serious soul searching to do! Kristen lets readers into her mind and her soul, challenging traditional conceptions of love and relationships.

My Thoughts:
McGuiness is a fresh and entertaining writer who knows herself well. In her memoir, we see all sides of her: flirty Kristen, sensible Kristen, reckless Kristen and spiritual Kristen. The great part about this book is that she truly holds nothing back and is not afraid to put her reputation on the line.

Rather than a date-by-date exact replay, McGuiness offers a poignant and introspective look into modern dating, subtly urging us to clean out the dirty ghosts hiding in our metaphorical closets. Kristen is real, and though I could critique some major flaws in the book (such as the loose definition of a ‘date’), I could not help but be pulled in chapter-by-chapter, questioning my own single life and easily putting myself into Kristen’s confused, but determined shoes!

Borrow 51/50: The Magical Adventures of a Single Life from your local Vaughan Library today!