Down-to-Read with Daniela: Hound Dog True by Linda Urban

Age Group:

Realistic Fiction, Mental Health

It’s just a few more days until Mattie Breen starts school in a new town. A few more days until she has to introduce herself again – and try to make new friends. Mattie’s not very keen on a fresh start.

She decides to spend her spare time helping her uncle Potluck, the school janitor. In her notebook Mattie writes all of the custodial wisdom she learns from uncle Potluck. She plans to convince him to take her on as his custodial apprentice when the school year starts. And she’ll be able to avoid the awkwardness of lunch and recess with a crowd of new kids.

Mattie’s plan seems to be working. But a series of events – and a new girl in town – will change Mattie’s perspective on friendship and new beginnings.

My Thoughts:
A poignantly written story about a shy and anxious young girl. Mattie is on the verge of starting the fifth grade when she finds herself in yet another new town. She is a sensitive and earnest child who looks up to her caring uncle and aspires to become his custodial apprentice.

Mattie’s soft-spoken, introspective nature will resonate with any child whose voice gets lost in a crowd. Mattie’s story will prove that even if you’re the shy new girl at school, everyone deserves a friend.

Borrow Hound Dog True from your local Vaughan Library today!