Down-to-Read with Daniela: Unsinkable (Titanic #1) by Gordan Korman

Age Group:
Marketed to children, but appeals to all ages

Adventure, Realistic Fiction, Historical Fiction, Canadian

Prolific children’s writer Gordan Korman takes readers on a journey back through time with his fictional take on the Titanic and its passengers. In Unsinkable, readers are introduced to the Titanic as it gets ready to set sail to America. Through the narrative voices of some young and spunky characters, Korman sets the scene for a fun adventure story aboard the world’s largest ship at the time, the magnificent and spectacular Titanic.

My Thoughts:
If your like me, you might already be tired of all the hype surrounding the Titanic’s 100th anniversary. But despite my misgivings, I thought I would give Korman’s novel a chance. When Unsinkable was picked for the York Region Reads family program in April, I was further compelled to add it to my “to-read” list.

I’m left with pretty mixed feelings after finishing this novel. The topic is a fascinating one – that’s for sure. Who isn’t intrigued about the Titanic? Who doesn’t have a morbid curiousity about the fate of its misfortunate occupants? And there is certainly no shortage of interesting facts about the RMS Titanic in Unsinkable. At the same time, it feels like Korman tries to develop too many characters at once – from the daring Alfie to the demure Juliana. The progression from one event to the next transpires at rapid fire speed, a style that does not necessarily enhance the telling of the story.

At the same time, I can see how kids will be drawn into Korman’s exciting tale of adventure and survival. It certainly is a fast paced read with plenty of enthusiastic young characters!

Try it out for yourself! Borrow Unsinkable from your local Vaughan library today!