Movie Review: Catfish directed by Ariel Schulman and Henry Joost

In this completely fascinating docu-drama, viewers follow director Ariel’s brother Nev on a mysterious, thrilling and unsettling online journey. Nev, a 24-year-old professional photographer, lives in New York City and works in a studio with his brother Ariel and friend Henry. 

When Ariel and Henry begin filming in late 2007, Nev is at the beginning of a unique friendship with an eight-year-old girl named Abby. Abby painted a beautiful picture of one of Nev’s photographs of two dancers and mailed it to him. The two soon strike up a friendship and Nev begins talking to Abby’s mom Angela. Soon Nev adds Abby and her family members to Facebook, including Abby’s beautiful and multi-talented older sister Megan.

As Nev and Megan begin talking, their relationship soon intensifies and a nine-month long romance ensues. But everything is not quite as it seems. Nev, Ariel and Henry begin to uncover secret after secret. When Nev finally decides to confront Megan and her family, the three travel across the country to Angela’s house in Michigan. What they find there is truly shocking and utterly captivating.

A true product of our times, Catfish is a must see! Add yourself to the hold list today!

2 thoughts on “Movie Review: Catfish directed by Ariel Schulman and Henry Joost

  1. I loved this movie and I highly recommend it as well!

    I have just one quibble though — it is a full-fledged documentary, not a docu-drama. Because of the unusual nature of the story, there was a lot of online speculation that this film was a hoax (like Casey Affleck and Joaquin Phoenix’s “I’m Still Here”) or a re-enactment, but it was not — just incredibly good timing by the filmmakers.

  2. Thanks Colleen, your completely right, this was 100% documentary, which makes it all the more amazing! Did you watch the special features at the end of the DVD? That was pretty interesting too.

    I watched “I’m Still Here” but I thought it was pretty awful; I don’t know why it got as much hype as it did!

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