A Couple Comedians to Spread Some Post-Holiday Cheer

Credit: amazon.ca

Mike Birbiglia’s latest comedy special on Netflix is entitled The Old Man and the Pool. The Hemmingway reference did not go unnoticed by this library worker, that’s for sure. I was drawn to see this latest offering based on a vaguely pleasant recollection of his film, Sleepwalk with Me, which was released in 2012. The film was based on his one-man show of the same name and a corresponding book. All three tell the true story of Birbiglia’s troubles with somnambulism (otherwise known as sleepwalking). Apologies, somnambulism is one of my favourite words — rarely do I find an opportunity to use it. I’ve always seen Birbiglia as someone on the forefront of what is possible in the medium. He seemed to be one of the first to incorporate extended, personal narratives in his comedy. In doing so, he creates an impression of extreme honesty and self-deprecation. Since his specials have often originated as one-man shows, they have a hybrid tone. He combines the earnestness and gravity of drama, with the rhythms of traditional stand-up. The set-ups and punchlines are all there — the pauses that indicate the audience should react to something that was said. All the artifice of the artform is present, but it’s balanced by the perilous reality of movement while unconscious.

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VPL’s Staff Choice Awards of 2023


Inspired by Adam’s post last year of a similar nature, I thought that it would be fun if the last HOTS post of 2023 was a communal one! And yeah, the title is clickbait; there’s no such official award…but I did reach out to my fellow VPL colleagues and ask them what their favourite and/or most memorable book, movie, show or game was that they enjoyed this year. It didn’t have to be published or created in 2023, but it did have to be currently available in our catalogue (which means I wouldn’t be featuring anything that was currently on order).

My lovely colleagues have delivered their recommendations in their own words. Check it out and discover something new (or old, as the case may be) to explore in 2024!


Wonder Woman: Dead Earth

“Anything by Daniel Warren Johnson, his comics have been just off the wall amazing. His Wonder Woman mini-series was incredible, but his original work Do A Powerbomb and Murder Falcon are just masterpieces.

He’s the current author of the reboot of the Transformers comics that I have but haven’t started reading yet, but I’m looking forward to it.” — Tommy

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Christmas(?) Movies

The Blu Ray cover of The Muppet Christmas Carol

It’s December, and Christmas is inescapable. Depending on where you shop, it’s been like that since Halloween ended, but that’s beside the point. Holiday music, Christmas specials, and mall Santas are all out in full force, and Christmas is shoved down your throat whether you celebrate or not. I won’t get into the politics of that here, but even as someone who celebrates, I can see that it’s all a little much. Don’t worry, though; I’m not going to get into an anti-consumerism rant1 here, since I actually enjoy the gift-giving aspect of the holiday2. I just wish the whole thing was kept a little closer to the 25th, rather than November to December feeling like a whole new season: fall, Christmas, winter. Call me a humbug if you like, but I should point out I make a habit of watching The Muppet Christmas Carol3 every year. I’m anti-always-Christmas, not anti-Christmas-in-general if that makes sense.

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