Meet CodeCombat

Code Combat Promotional Art

Ever wanted to try your hand at coding, but found the task too daunting, or the lessons too boring? CodeCombat is an online game where you’ll solve puzzles using real-text code.

As you make your way through the levels, you’ll learn coding concepts and use real coding languages such as: JavaScript, Python, or C++. You will even have an opportunity to use your coding knowledge to see how it works in web development and game development.

Once you’ve mastered the basics, you’ll even have an opportunity to try your hand at the AI Combat league where you get to pit your own computer code against others around the world, making changes and adapting your code to match what your opponents are doing to make your code as strong as possible.

Your Vaughan Public Library card is your key to adventure and a future in coding. Come and check out CodeCombat and see what it’s all about.

For more coding programs and resources, check out: Coding Buddies, and our new Robotics Club featuring Vex Robotics.

For more advanced coding resources, check out the courses available through LinkedIn Learning.

Bookfest 2023: In Conversation with Vincent Lam

Toronto physician and Giller Prize-winning author Vincent Lam, photo credit © Cynthia Summers

Toronto physician and Giller Prize-winning author Vincent Lam will be attending Vaughan Public LibrariesBookfest on Saturday, October 14 at the Civic Center Resource Library. If you want to meet Vincent in person, come join us and enjoy an afternoon of fun – we have designed lots of activities for all ages! Of course, if you prefer a Zoom meeting, you can register on Eventbrite.


In one of his interviews, Vincent said that we human were obliged to live on the surface sometimes and writing allowed him to dive down into those currents deep below the surface. The depth and authenticity of his books is what grabs me. His 2006 debut Bloodletting and Miraculous Cures follows the lives of a group of medical students as they overcome each unique challenge from qualifying medical schools to practicing in emergency rooms. The Giller winner explores both common and extraordinary moral dilemmas and offers a shockingly realistic portrait of today’s medical profession. 17 years later, Vincent’s new book On the Ravine once again captivates me from the first page as Dr. Chen brings needles and other injection supplies to the “addicts” who camp out on the ravine in Toronto’s east end. According to Health Infobase, there was a total of 36,442 apparent opioid toxicity deaths between January 2016 and December 2022 in Canada. Vincent’s new book offers a timely, in-depth look at this national crisis with piercing honesty. It raises many tough questions about doctor-patient relationship and big pharma practices.

For such a grim topic, delightfully, Dr. Lam isn’t just equipped with medical knowledge, dry stats, and hard facts, but also with unparallel literary skills that allows him to successfully deliver a powerful but beautiful story with multiple layers, complex characters, and a compelling plot.

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Honour Among Thieves

French Netflix poster of season 3 of the Lupin tv show
image via Variety

On October 5th, part three of the acclaimed Lupin series will finally air on Netflix. One of my favourite shows, Lupin is an adaptation of Arsène Lupin by Maurice Leblanc, a classic French story about a world-famous gentleman thief and master of disguise. (Heads up: the show is also in French, but since I’m pro-subtitles even for my native English, I don’t mind this.)

Lupin had me thinking about the allure of gentlemen thieves—criminals with hearts (and motives!) of gold—and I thought it’d be fun to feature media of similar noble crooks.

But first, let’s define the term. According to TV Tropes, a gentleman thief has “…roguish good looks coupled with a breeding and style that manifests as a suave and debonair manner. He’s usually a charmer, too—think James Bond without the government authorization. He steals for the challenge/pleasure of the job and generally avoids violence while restricting his targets to those who can afford the loss.”

While gentlemen thieves are usually male, that’s not always the case. No doubt, several examples of such thieves have jumped to mind, but first, let’s start with some real life representatives of this trope!

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