Make Small but Impactful Changes

Book Cover of Atomic Habits
Book Cover of Atomic Habits

Have you made any new year’s resolutions on January 1, promising yourself that you would turn in before midnight so you could get up earlier or you would eat healthier so you could have more energy, only to find yourself fall back to the old routines a few weeks later? Or, have you–just like the old me–already stopped making this kind of promises because you have given up the idea that we can change our habits?

Right, our old habits are very difficult to break, especially the bad ones! But only Ed Sheeran can make good use of his Bad Habits, and most of us don’t, lol. Over the past year, my view on habits has completely changed because my chronic pain condition had flared up uncontrollably and taken away my ability to work and live freely for an extended period of time. The western medicine and therapies that had helped before weren’t able to put my condition under control this time. I was desperate to find ways to cope. I began to look into things that I had been automatically doing for years and eventually realized some of them were so wrong – from the way I held my mouse and the way I breathed when I exercised to the food I ate and the medication I took … Had I not finally looked for changes, I would have still been stuck.

Because of this experience, I started reading about topics that I have been taking for granted, and one of them is the impact of tiny habits. For example, drinking coffee—do I really need the second cup after lunch? Does that contribute to my poor sleep quality? Perhaps you have heard of the bestselling title Atomic Habits? Its author James Clear states, “Your life today is essentially the sum of your habits … What you repeatedly do (i.e. what you spend time thinking about and doing each day) ultimately forms the person you are, the things you believe, and the personality that you portray.” This claim is not exaggerated at all. After my experience, I now realize good habits can help us with almost everything, from staying in shape to finding happiness.

But how? How can we recognize bad habits and break them? How do we cultivate good habits and make them stick?

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Maximus Gluteus

Book Cover of Butts: A backstory by Heather Radke

Never skip a leg day, yes, but you probably shouldn’t skip a glute day either: the maximus gluteus is the biggest muscle in your body, and training your glutes can help with your posture, preventing back pain, and more!

I know I’m not supposed to judge a book by its cover and all, but just look at it! The moment I saw the cover on a list of recent releases, I knew I’d end up picking this up. It might seem an odd pick, but I’ve found I tend to be interested in microhistories, especially somewhat cheeky ones, as you may already be aware, so obviously I gravitated towards it the moment I saw it. In this age of Instagram and scrunch butt leggings*, not to mention post-2014, which was apparently Year of the Butt(?), it might sound a bit disingenuous to say that I hadn’t really given butts that much thought, but I went in thinking exactly this. As I started reading though, I slowly came to the realization that I had, in fact, absorbed more about butts than I’d realized without much conscious thought: Radke covered the ground I expected to be covered for a book on the female butt – how it’s been viewed throughout the ages in Western culture, the history & symbolism of this part of the body – but I also found myself wishing it were more filled out, in part because a lot of this ground has been covered elsewhere. Granted, I would still recommend this book for the convenience of having it all in one place, for anyone who is interested in learning about our fascination with the maximus gluteus, as the nature of that obsession (as a society, if not as individuals) has changed over the years.

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From Book to Screen: Adaptations for the New Year

The new year may have just started, and we might still be in a post-holiday fog, but TV and movie adaptations don’t sleep! Particularly not when they’re set to debut on streaming services, which can be accessed from the comfort of our own homes (and don’t have to compete with the snow and slush to get people to a theatre). The early months of 2023 already promise an intriguing roster of new adaptations (not to mention new seasons of returning faves like You and Shadow and Bone). Below I’ve picked out five adaptations I’ve got my eye on with release dates set between January and March. Grab a copy of the books at your local branch before they hit the big or small screen!

January 4: The Lying Life of Adults by Elena Ferrante 

The latest Italian-language adaptation of Elena Ferrante’s work is set to air today on Netflix. Say what you will about Netflix’s (baffling, unsustainable) business model, one thing they’re good for: investing in and promoting international talent. Treading familiar territory for those who have read and/or watched Ferrante’s My Brilliant Friend (aka the Neapolitan series), The Lying Life of Adults explores the class divide in Naples, only this time it’s the 1990s (the trailer features the songs “Celebrity Skin” by Hole—an iconic 90s riot grrrl banger—and “E Mo E Mo” by Peppino Di Capri, the requisite 80s Italo-Disco song for any Italian media). When young Giovanna’s father remarks that she is starting to resemble her estranged aunt Vittoria, she decides to set out and find her lost family member. Her journey takes her from her middle-class, bourgeois hilltop neighbourhood to the more vulgar quarters down in the city’s depths. Along the way questions of truth and the nature of storytelling arise: who is lying, what counts as a lie, and why?  

Available in print and on Overdrive and Hoopla.  

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