Tag Archives: Crime Films

Trench Coats, Cigarettes and Shootouts: Crime films from France and around the globe

In the movies, crime might not pay; quite the opposite generally.  But it’s  a different outcome for the audience – they make their getaway from the experience all the richer with a metaphorical loot-bag of rewards for their eyes, ears and mind – not a bad haul for their viewing efforts.  And best of all? No one has to split up the riches! (If I’ve learned anything after watching a lot of crime films I’ve come to appreciate that the divvying up of spoils is so often where things go very wrong)

Okay, I’ll stop before I get arrested for torturing the metaphor any further. 

Like many people, I enjoy genre films. The biggest genre out there may be the one that I’ll refer to broadly as crime films.  I gravitate towards  crime movies in all their varieties: the heist film, the gangster film, prison break film, police procedural and so on.  Always popular, they keep coming to the screen year after year.

Why are people drawn to crime films? Maybe similar to horror films, there is some degree of escapism, but also catharsis and perhaps curiosity about how (or if)  it will all be resolved by the time the end credits roll.  No doubt about it, times are hard right now so maybe it’s the relief that comes after watching the action and telling yourself “Well…at least I’m having a better day than those guys there.” Sure you have spent 23 of the last 24 hours inside but you’re still probably thankful that it’s not you who is  on the lam (unless it’s the ever-cool Jean-Paul Belmondo and Jean Seberg in Breathless in which case maybe you wouldn’t mind being them…just for a bit.)  Blu Ray cover of Breathless

One thing that draws me to of the  films I’m going to look at is that being from the 1950s – 1970s they give me a chance to see the character of cities like Paris and London as they used to be.  The era before most urban landscapes became dominated by a glut of global franchises creating a look of sameness.  

And just maybe since I haven’t worn anything that includes a collar for over 6 weeks I enjoy a little nattiness on the screen – because I sure don’t see it when I look in the mirror these days. (Although I remain very much unconvinced a fedora has any place in 21st century fashion)

A few weeks ago I took a look at Italian crime films from the 1970’s available on Kanopy.  As mentioned,  I’ll stick  with older films in the crime genre but this time I’ll look at how they do it around the globe.  Starting with France which is the headliner here.   In that last entry  I wrote about how none of the movies being discussed will ever be candidates for a Criterion release.  Well, it’s quite the opposite with the French movies. Many of them received the high brow treatment and are in fact available through the Criterion Collection and of course through Kanopy. 

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Big Men in Small Cars – Italian Movies in the ‘70s

Fellini, Bertolucci, Antonioni, Rossellini, Leone. Everyone listed here is a) an iconic and generally well-regarded Italian film director and b) absolutely not the subject of this blog entry.

Instead I’m going to look at a very different sort of Italian filmmaker and the films they made, none of which are likely being considered for their own Criterion Collection release any time soon. (One of my alternate title choices was Italian Movies: The Not Exactly Criterion Edition) I’m referring to the trend in Italian crime films from the late 1960 into the mid-70s called Poliziotteschi.

Before I jump in with a quick summary of Poliziotteschi for the few readers who aren’t already fans of these decades-old Euro-crime thrillers I should add that most of the films mentioned here are available for streaming on Kanopy through the library.

My love of Italian crime films did not fully bloom until fairly recently. A few years ago, I started bringing home some Italian made Westerns (aka Spaghetti Westerns) from the library’s movie collection. Once those were exhausted, it was followed by a steady flow of Italian crime films (Poliziotteschi) and Italian horror-mystery (Giallo) from the 1970s. Italian crime film directors of the day wore their influences on their sleeves. They watched American films such as Bullitt, The French Connection, The Godfather, Dirty Harry, Serpico and Death Wish and I assume thought to themselves “Why not us?”

The Italian film industry of the time seems to have never met a single mini-trend in popular cinema it didn’t try to exploit and make their own. With mixed results. American films provided the inspiration, Italian directors provided the formula: Watch, imitate, repeat (It’s a small feat of linguistic contortionism that I have avoided using “rip off” here) until some level of financial success followed. Once they had a hit, like a stunt driver in their films’ obligatory car chase scenes, they kept the pedal to the medal churning out film after film in a movie-making-mill. Each trend was ridden remorselessly hard until it was bled dry financially and creatively. However, the fact is, the creative teams behind these movies put their own wonderfully unique stamp on the films that weren’t found in their American counterparts.

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