Tag Archives: Hoopla

Ponytails & Pyjamas: Beauty Routines in Self-Isolation

Did I brush my teeth today? I wonder as I fire up my laptop for another day of working at home. As I sip my coffee and reply to the latest emails, I become increasingly aware of my unwashed hair, but since there’s no one to see it, what’s the harm in leaving it just one more day? Then again, I do have that important Zoom meeting at 2 pm. I should probably look a little more presentable for that. Surely some muted lighting will help hide the tired, dark circles under my eyes. And there’s nothing that a high ponytail can’t solve.

As each day melts into the next during social isolation, it’s easy to neglect even the most basic self-care rituals. I was never a high maintenance gal to begin with, but I feel myself slipping even further into lazy habits. The problem is, once you start wearing your pyjamas around all day, the malaise can trickle into other areas of your life.

Beauty isn’t just about the superficial. How you feel about your appearance can have a strong negative impact on productivity and energy. You might stop video chatting with your family and friends because you “don’t look good right now.” You’ll probably skip that afternoon walk worried because your hair is frizzy and your grey roots are showing. And now that you’re in your pyjamas – so soft and warm –  a little nap couldn’t hurt. But once you’re in that cozy bed, it’s oh-so-hard to get back up again.

So what can we do to feel better in these challenging times? How can we create a realistic and manageable beauty routine while being kind to ourselves? Continue reading

Book Review: “When We Were Vikings” by Andrew David MacDonald

When We Were Vikings

Zelda isn’t your average 21-year-old. She’s deeply passionate about the ancient history of Vikings. Her mother passed away from cancer and her father abandoned the family. She lives with her good-hearted, but troubled older brother Gert. And she believes the key to a good life is following some basic rules, like fist bumps and dabs = respect. Most of all, it’s important for every good Viking warrior to protect the tribe.

Zelda’s latest mission: to be legendary. Her first quest: to protect Gert, her wayward guardian, who has lately been resorting to some nefarious methods to keep their family afloat.

Soon Zelda will find herself mixed up in a battle that will test her resourcefulness and threaten everything that Zelda and Gert have built together. Along the way, Zelda will learn what it means to be a hero even when it seems like the world is against you. There will be some bumps along the way, and things will get ugly before they get better, but Zelda is up for the challenge.

Canadian author Andrew David MacDonald

Zelda is also determined to explore her own burdgeoning sexuality, even if Gert doesn’t want to hear about it. She even has her first boyfriend, Marxy. With the guidance of her best friend and Gert’s ex-girlfriend, AK47, she’s determined to have her first sexual experience.

MacDonald’s debut novel is a charming, heart-rending story of a young woman’s utter determination to protect her tribe. Zelda must contend with her own unique abilities, the result of her mother drinking while pregnant with Zelda. Not only will Zelda overcome her fears and insecurities, but she will truly become her own legend.

To see modern Vikings in action, check out “To Go Viking,” instantly available on Hoopla.

This is a fresh, exhilirating read, filled with plenty of nail biting moments, and mountains of hope and inspiration. You can’t help but root for Zelda. She’s innocent, determined and spunky. She won’t let anything get in her way. She’s the hero we didn’t know we needed.

I’ll be waiting with anticipation for upcoming titles from Canadian author Andrew David Macdonald.

When We Were Vikings is available through VPL’s OverDrive collection. Download the OverDrive app today and explore 1000s of eBooks and eAudiobooks available for free with your library card!