Tag Archives: Karen’s Pick

Jane, the Fox & Me

by Fanny Britt, illustrated by Isabelle ArsenaultI don’t usually read graphic novels, junior graphics even less frequently, but this, I think, is one of those that transcends any attempt to pigeonhole it into a specific age category (see Maurice Sendak on the subject). The only reason I stumbled upon this gem was because I absolutely adore Isabelle Arsenault’s illustrations, which led me to do a search to sate my need for more Arsenault in my life.

Jane, the Fox & Me takes you through the life of a girl being ostracized from her class- and schoolmates, told in  quiet, black-brown & white illustrations  –  the blacks not quite black and, in not being starkly contrasted with the white, soft – with sudden pops of colour that introduce the protagonist’s, Hélène’s, inner world and imagination. The use of colour plunging the reader into the world of Hélène was a lovely touch, the illustrations of Jane Eyre appearing in full colour, seeping out into Hélène’s dull reality through the fox (then again, perhaps not – who knows where the fox existed, in truth?) before she is able to see the world as she saw her escapes from reality before.

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Venomous by Christie Wilcox

How Earth's Deadliest Creatures Mastered BiochemistryIt’s amazing what tiny little creatures such as the blue-ringed octopus or a little caterpillar in the rainforest can do to you (paralyze you completely and induce hemorrhaging, respectively), without even your realization that you’ve been bitten or pricked! Where Wilcox really shines in Venomous, though, is when she goes beyond show-and-tell and explains what goes on when you graze the back of that caterpillar with its bristly spine: contrary to what might be expected, this little caterpillar actually causes all the coagulants in your blood to become otherwise engaged so that they’re nowhere to be found while the rest of your blood is running rampant. Hence the hemorrhaging.

Venomous is engaging and serves as a great introduction into the world of venom and the creatures that produce them. Wilcox takes you through a variety of different types of venom, organized more or less by chapter, telling you what they do to their (unfortunate/maybe-brought-it-upon-themselves) victims, connecting their incredible abilities to theories as to why certain creatures should have developed the venoms that they did. In fact, Wilcox goes further and delves – relatively lightly, nothing to be afraid of even if you’re not scientifically minded – into the science of what different venoms do. What you get, in effect, is something along the lines of this: what creature generates what sort of venom, which does what to which animal by targeting which areas, likely influenced by which evolutionary pressures. Wilcox breaks it down so that you understand what’s going on – which neurotransmitters are involved? what areas of the body does it affect and why? why might these creatures have evolved as they did? – as you make your way through the rest of the book, keeping all the information intact by making connections throughout.

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available at VPLI didn’t really know what to expect when I clicked on a friend’s twitter link that gushed about an artist I’d never heard of and her upcoming concert taking place in Toronto, but I am SO GLAD I did! (On second thought, I should really never have doubted her taste in music. What was I thinking?)

Just a quick listen through Agnes Obel’s soundcloud had me immediately searching up in another tab the availability of her CDs here at VPL. And while I’m not one to really know what exactly to talk about when it comes to music, I’m going to bring her to your attention if nothing else. Obel’s music is an incredibly beautiful, soft, and haunting moment reminiscent of a fairytale or a daydream. She’s amazing, and she’s COMING TO TORONTO FOR A CONCERT (March 4th, in case you’re interested)!

And if you enjoy what you’re listening to, you might also enjoy these ones:

1. Lucy Rose – Like We Used To

2. Safia Nolin

3. Ludovico Einaudi

4. Patrick Watson – Wooden Arms