Tag Archives: teen reads

Cross-Genre Works: A Reading List


I was thinking about my colleague Maya’s post on comics (an excellent read!) while I was downsizing my bookshelves in preparation for a move, when I came upon my collection of graphic novels and manga. Among them are the Bone comics by Jeff Smith (which I love and am definitely keeping) and I thought it would be fun to talk about them and other works that I consider ‘cross-genre’.

But first, a definition of the term. According to Wikipedia: “A hybrid genre is a literary or film genre that blends themes and elements from two or more different genres. Works in hybrid genres are also referred to as cross-genre, multi-genre, mixed genre, or fusion genre. ” [Emphasis mine.]

Bone is definitely a cross-genre series. If I had to describe it in as few words as possible, I would say it’s the Snoopy comics meets The Lord of the Rings. They’re comical and funny, but set in a fantastical world with a plot that gets increasingly dark and the stakes increasingly higher. There’s a prophecy, dragons, lost princesses, a failing kingdom, a great eldritch evil, corrupting power…and strange little ‘bone’ creatures on the run from the fallout of a financial scam that had them chased out of their city by an angry mob. Hijinks and nonsense abound, as well as quests and heartbreaks.

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Black History Month Author Visit: Kern Carter

Celebrated Toronto author Kern Carter, author of Boys and Girls Screaming

Celebrated Toronto author Kern Carter will be visiting Vaughan Public Libraries on Thursday, February 22, 7:00 pm on Zoom. Please register on Eventbrite and join us for an evening of great conversations on writing, publishing, parenting, Black heritage, and more!

I’m really excited about this event because Kern is a “long-lost” friend. Last spring when I was waiting for my massage therapist at her clinic, I saw a familiar face on the TV screen being interviewed by the CTV host, and I recognized that was Kern! He was chatting with the host about his latest novel Boys and Girls Screaming. The first time I met Kern was back in 2014 when he was promoting his first book Thoughts of a Fractured Soul. He was still an independent author back then. He was very tall and handsome (only much later I found out he was also a basketball star, lol), but with that strong presence, he was extremely polite and gentle, just like his words in that thin, little novella … Since then, I haven’t heard from Kern for years, and I can’t believe when I see him again, he’s on TV!

So, when I went back to work that day, I looked him up like a little superfan. I read and read, trying to find out what he has gone through all these years, his struggles, tears, laughs, and successes … Apparently, he has been working hard in the past ten years and has created a long list of accomplishments that he can show off on his website: “From selling thousands of books independently, building a community of emerging writers, establishing a freelance career, landing book deals with the biggest publishers in the world, to now running my own business … Add to the mix that I was a teen father and high school dropout who ultimately graduated from university and built a successful writing career …” Indeed, after all the hard work, his dream of making a good living by just writing has now come true!

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Booyah! Books on Secret Agent Superwomen

via IMDB

June 2022 marks the 20th anniversary of the acclaimed Disney television show Kim Possible, a staple of my childhood and one of the shows that marked the era as the golden age of Disney Channel originals (along with my other favourites: The Proud Family, Lizzie McGuire, and American Dragon: Jake Long).

Kim Possible had everything—the titular character was a cheerleader-super-spy with brilliant scientist parents and annoying/endearing twin brothers, a goofy best friend and his pet naked mole rat, a hilarious and vaguely inept supervillain, and his much cooler and way more competent henchwoman (who now has a filter in her name on Tiktok).

There was also loads of comedy and action, a great theme song and instantly recognizable ringtone, and memorable catchphrases (such as Ron’s “Booyah!” and Kim’s “So, what’s the sitch?”).

It also got a live-action film in 2019, but we’re going to pretend that doesn’t exist.

Kim Possible wasn’t just your average comedy-action animated TV show though. Kim was cool, both her parents were clever and supported her endeavors and intelligence, and Kim was allowed to have dimension: to be a cheerleader, a skilled martial artist, a good friend, a daughter to loving parents, a sometimes frustrated but ultimately loving older sister, a superhero, and feminine as well as smart and sporty.

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