The Girl on The Train by Paula Hawkins

The Girl on the TrainIf you usually keep up with the new items from the Library, you may realize how many holds we have on The Girl on The Train by Paula Hawkins – a debut has been staying on the bestseller list for more than 10 weeks … a psychological thriller that makes you bite your nail and sigh about what people’s lives are actually like when you look further … I am sure the Gone Girl effect had greatly impacted the popularity of this new title, but the book does have its own merit … I was impressed with the lonely atmosphere that the author tried to set at the beginning … It’s a feeling that everyone can relate to once in while and the description is so true …

Actually, I requested the audiobook instead to get hold of the story faster – a good narrator can usually immerse you in the story’s atmosphere so deeply and make your reading experience unforgettable. This specific narrator of The Girl on The Train is such a good example … The loneliness of the main character is underlined by her voice and disturbing …  If you also like to listen to audiobooks when you drive, find out more titles from the VPL audiobooks collection …

About Heather

Heather is the Librarian II, Literacy and Readers' Advisory, with the Vaughan Public Libraries. Her job is to connect leisure readers and aspiring writers with the endless space of imagination and creation through words in all forms.  |  Meet the team