Kleinburg Library Renovations

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During the 2012 building audit of Kleinburg Library, repair concerns requiring attention to the building were highlighted.  The scope of work identified for the renovation that is scheduled to take place in fall of 2013 includes:

  • Repairs to the roof, external brickwork and concrete
  • Window replacement
  • Updating heating, ventilation and air-conditioning systems
  • Installing an exterior AODA compliant ramp (providing access to the library’s lower level and outdoor reading garden)
  • Addition of southern parking spaces and an outdoor reading garden

The project has been reviewed with Heritage Vaughan Committee; received support by the Vaughan Public Library Board and has received Council’s approval at the June 25th Council meeting.

Nino Rico of NRA Inc. has been retained as a project architect for the Kleinburg Library renovation.  Below are selected renderings of the project encompassing the scope of the planned renovations.

The timeline needed to carry out the scope of renovations and repairs will require intermittent disruptions to services and the branch will be closed to the public during portions of the renovations project.  Detailed information on library closures will be shared with the public when renovation dates have been firmed up.

Windows will be enlarged

Larger windows will be installed and replacement of small windows will help to enhance street presence. New windows will be added to the south of the building to increase infusion of natural light.

Windows will be enlarged

Windows on the east side of the building will be enlarged.

New windows will be added

New windows will also be added to the north of the building to increase infusion of light. Emergency exit will be relocated slightly.

New ramp

New ramp will connect thought an outdoor reading garden on the south side of the building.

New ramp 2

Ramp will provide access to the lower level of the library on the east side of the building.

Parking spaces

Additional parking spaces will be included to the south of existing parking

New looks for displaying books

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Bathurst Clark Resource Library and Pierre Berton Resource Library have received two unique stands that will help you find your next library items with ease.

On the second floor of Pierre Berton Resource Library, you will now find a bookshelf (seen below, left) next to the Information Desk. With slatted walls and shelving, the new unit offers maximum space for the convenient display of books, CDs and DVDs.

At the entrance of Bathurst Clark Resource Library, three nesting tables (seen below, right) now welcome you to the library. The tables can be arranged to display materials in many ways and can also exhibit collections on a special bottom shelf.

Visit your local resource library to see what staff have displayed on these new furniture pieces.


Say Hello to Great Reads and Handy Information!

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As you walk through Vaughan Public Libraries’ Bathurst Clark location, you can now come across great reads on a four-tier stand and useful information on slated pillars.

Through the installation of a new four-tier stand, you can easily find a book that catches your eye right near the Service Desk. The stand was installed along with slated walls, which surround two pillars and contain information about what’s going on at your library.

Take a peak at the tiers and pillars below, or visit us to see them for yourself!

The New and Improved Teen Reading Lounge at Pierre Berton

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Thanks to the teen volunteers, Pierre Berton Resource Library’s Teen Reading Lounge recently received a makeover! Check out photos below to see the newly painted mural around the Teen Reading Lounge. Hand painted by our teen volunteers, the wall features a city and forest skyline with a quote from Gallileo, a rolling hill, a flamingo and a welcome sign and a local library, plus info about the Teen Reading Challenge. In addition to the paintings, Pierre Berton also added new bean bag chairs to the Lounge.

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New Automated Book Drop At Bathurst Clark Resource Library

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Bathurst Clark Resource Library’s bookdrop just got better! It is now fully automated and has a brand new look. Behind the scenes the automated bookdrop is a mini sorter that will assist VPL in serving you better.  When using the new bookdrop, remember to just watch for the green light that lets you know the system is ready for you to deposit your next item!

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New and Improved Elevator at Woodbridge Library

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Woodbridge Library is a split level building, with services for our customers offered on three separate floors, within a two story building.  Because of this, the library has an elevator that travels between the floors.  For years, the elevator has been key operated, meaning that people who wish to ride the elevator must ring a bell, and then wait for a staff member to come and open the elevator for them.  As of July 17, Woodbridge Library has a button operated elevator!  This means that people who wish to ride the elevator no longer need a staff member to help them.  This change makes Woodbridge more accessible for people with mobility concerns, and for families with strollers.

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New Bench At Kleinburg Library

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Recently, following requests from the community, the City of Vaughan installed an outdoor bench for pedestrians and visitors to the Kleinburg Library. Located adjacent to the sidewalk the bench is a welcome addition to the library grounds.

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Pierre Berton Resource Library Makeover

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The Pierre Berton Resource Library has been receiving a makeover ready for the summer. Two of the four circular reference desks have been removed to make room for a new merchandising area and an extension of the silent study space. In June 2011, the Welcome Desk was closed as a functioning reference desk, and has been re-purposed a few times over the past 10 months. It’s now been removed, and carpet re-laid to finish off the space. The old Business Desk on the 2nd floor has succumbed to the same fate. The next few jobs in line for the summer makeover are the creation of an art wall, and the construction of the new Reading Lounge which creates an area for a new space for teens in the library. 

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Dufferin Clark Library Renovations

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In November 2011, Dufferin Clark Library installed new sliding doors to its front entrance. Now it’s more convenient for customers on wheelchairs or with strollers to enter the library without having to press any buttons. In addition, the program room also received a new coat of paint, giving it a fresh new look!

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