Ansley Grove Library
Bathurst Clark Resource Library
Carrville Library
Civic Centre Resource Library
Dufferin Clark Library
Kleinburg Library
Mackenzie Health Vaughan Library
Maple Library
Pierre Berton Resource Library
Pleasant Ridge Library
Vellore Village Library
VMC Library
Father E. Bulfon Community Centre
Online Programs
Ongoing Programs
Summer STEAM Camp
July 2, 2024 to August 30, 2024 12:00 AM to 12:00 AM 12:00 AM to 12:00 AM
Summer STEAM Camp
July 2, 2024 to August 30, 2024 12:00 AM to 12:00 AM 12:00 AM to 12:00 AM
July 2024
Canada Day (Library Closed)
Keeping Connected
Virtual ESL Café
Experience It: Stargazing and Constellations
Experience It: Stargazing and Constellations
Experience It: Stargazing and Constellations
D&D Club
STEAM Workshops: Spa Science
The Human Touch Book Club
Baby Adventures Storytime
Baby Adventures Storytime
D&D Club
Little Explorers Storytime
Experience It: Stargazing and Constellations
Experience It: Stargazing and Constellations
Experience It: Stargazing and Constellations
Cross-Cultural Cooking for Newcomers
Newcomer Tenant Education Program
Baby Adventures Storytime
Baby Adventures Storytime
Baby Adventures Storytime
Little Explorers Storytime
Little Explorers Storytime
Musical Babies
Tech Tutor 1-on-1
Experience It: Stargazing and Constellations
Experience It: Stargazing and Constellations
Bilingual Puppet Show Fun / Marionnettes en fête
Experience It: Stargazing and Constellations
Let's Make Ice Cream!
Baby Adventures Storytime
Baby Adventures Storytime
Club Franco
Little Explorers Storytime
Little Explorers Storytime
Little Explorers Storytime
Little Kitchen Time
Tech Tutor 1-on-1
Experience It: Stargazing and Constellations
Experience It: Stargazing and Constellations
Little Explorers Storytime
Explore Your Garden
Coding Buddies
Little Explorers Storytime
Babysitting Course with Heart2Heart
Bake Club
Health 1-on-1
French Storytime/ L'Heure du conte
Baby Adventures Storytime
Baby Adventures Storytime
Club Franco
Let's Go to the Movies
Little Explorers Storytime
Visit the Therapy Dogs
YAY Cooking!
Spanish Storytime / Hora de cuentos
Aging Well in Chinese/中文长者健康活动
Imagine It: Aliens and UFOs
Imagine It: Aliens and UFOs
Imagine It: Aliens and UFOs
Unwind & Design
Parlez-vous français?
Romance Book Club
Baby Adventures Storytime
Baby Adventures Storytime
D&D Club
English Conversation Circle
Little Explorers Storytime
Robotics Club
Imagine It: Aliens and UFOs
Imagine It: Aliens and UFOs
Imagine It: Aliens and UFOs
Kitchen Traditions Series
Makers With A Cause: Yellow Brick House
Newcomer Tenant Education Program
Baby Adventures Storytime
Baby Adventures Storytime
Baby Adventures Storytime
Club Franco
Little Explorers Storytime
Little Explorers Storytime
Musical Babies
Tech Tutor 1-on-1
Writer's Corner: Ink Adventure
French Storytime/ L'Heure du conte
Resume Ready for Teens
Imagine It: Aliens and UFOs
Imagine It: Aliens and UFOs
Imagine It: Aliens and UFOs
Chess Club for Adults
Design Projects: Dual Colour 3D Nametags
Parlez-vous français?
Virtual ESL Book Club
Baby Adventures Storytime
Baby Adventures Storytime
Club Franco
Little Explorers Storytime
Little Explorers Storytime
Little Explorers Storytime
Little Kitchen Time
Tech Tutor 1-on-1
Imagine It: Aliens and UFOs
Imagine It: Aliens and UFOs
Little Explorers Storytime
Babysitting Course with Heart2Heart
3D Design Challenge!
D&D Club
French Storytime/ L'Heure du conte
Pokémon League
Coding Buddies
Little Explorers Storytime
Code the 'Bot
Let's Build!
Korean Storytime / (한국어 스토리타임)
Visit the Therapy Dogs
Let's Build with Keva Planks
STEAM Workshops: Spa Science
Kids' Book Club
Podcast Collective
Sci-Fi Book Club
Tricky Turing Tumble
Baby Adventures Storytime
Baby Adventures Storytime
Club Franco
Let's Go to the Movies
Little Explorers Storytime
Visit the Therapy Dogs
YAY Cooking!
Virtual ESL Café
Investigate It: Sun vs. Moon
Investigate It: Sun vs. Moon
Investigate It: Sun vs. Moon
D&D Club
Unlocking AI
Executive Functioning Information for Parents
Writers' Room
STEAM Workshops: Spa Science
Baby Adventures Storytime
Baby Adventures Storytime
D&D Club
English Conversation Circle
Financial Literacy Bootcamp
Little Explorers Storytime
Robotics Club
Investigate It: Sun vs. Moon
Investigate It: Sun vs. Moon
Investigate It: Sun vs. Moon
Parlez-vous français?
Baby Adventures Storytime
Baby Adventures Storytime
Baby Adventures Storytime
Club Franco
Little Explorers Storytime
Little Explorers Storytime
Musical Babies
Tech Tutor 1-on-1
Writer's Corner: Ink Adventure
Investigate It: Sun vs. Moon
Investigate It: Sun vs. Moon
Investigate It: Sun vs. Moon
Aging Well Club
Community Resources and Services for Newcomers
Unwind & Design
Baby Adventures Storytime
Baby Adventures Storytime
Club Franco
Little Explorers Storytime
Little Explorers Storytime
Little Explorers Storytime
Little Kitchen Time
Tech Tutor 1-on-1
Investigate It: Sun vs. Moon
Investigate It: Sun vs. Moon
Little Explorers Storytime
Explore Your Trail
Learn to Camp with Parks Canada!
Newcomer Tenant Education Program
Coding Buddies
Little Explorers Storytime
Learn to Camp with Parks Canada!
Explore Your Garden
Russian Storytime / Рассказы на русском языке
Trash Walk
Community Resources and Services for Newcomers
Podcast Collective
Baby Adventures Storytime
Baby Adventures Storytime
Club Franco
Let's Go to the Movies
Little Explorers Storytime
Visit the Therapy Dogs
YAY Cooking!
Health 1-on-1
Spanish Storytime / Hora de cuentos
Creative Age: Geometric Constructions
Tell It: Sci-Fi
Tell It: Sci-Fi
Tell It: Sci-Fi
Unlocking AI
Baby Adventures Storytime
Baby Adventures Storytime
D&D Club
English Conversation Circle
Financial Literacy Bootcamp
Little Explorers Storytime
Robotics Club
Tell It: Sci-Fi
Tell It: Sci-Fi
Tell It: Sci-Fi
Transforming Habits
Kitchen Traditions Series
Great Novels Book Club
Baby Adventures Storytime
Baby Adventures Storytime
Baby Adventures Storytime
Club Franco
Little Explorers Storytime
Little Explorers Storytime
Musical Babies
Tech Tutor 1-on-1
Writer's Corner: Ink Adventure
Ace Your Presentation!
Creative Age: Geometric Constructions
Shine a Light & Give Back
Tell It: Sci-Fi
Tell It: Sci-Fi
Bilingual Puppet Show Fun / Marionnettes en fête
Tell It: Sci-Fi
Chess Club for Adults
Creative Age: Polaroid Project
Baby Adventures Storytime
Baby Adventures Storytime
Club Franco
Little Explorers Storytime
Little Explorers Storytime
Little Explorers Storytime
Little Kitchen Time
Tech Tutor 1-on-1
Tell It: Sci-Fi
Tell It: Sci-Fi
Friday Night in the Stacks
Little Explorers Storytime
Minecrafters Club
D&D Club
Intro to Debate
Coding Buddies
Little Explorers Storytime
Learn to Camp with Parks Canada!
Sphérification gastronomique / French STEAM Workshop: Spherification
Food Around the World: Tiramisu
Virtual Skies: A VR Experience
Podcast Collective
Baby Adventures Storytime
Baby Adventures Storytime
Club Franco
Let's Go to the Movies
Little Explorers Storytime
Visit the Therapy Dogs
Code It: Coding and Robots
Code It: Coding and Robots
Code It: Coding and Robots
D&D Club
Bilingual STEAM Workshop: Air Power / Puissance aérienne
Baby Adventures Storytime
Baby Adventures Storytime
D&D Club
English Conversation Circle
Financial Literacy Bootcamp
Little Explorers Storytime
Robotics Club
Code It: Coding and Robots
Code It: Coding and Robots
Code It: Coding and Robots
Creative Age: Make Magic with Cricut
Get Organized with Bullet Journaling
Transforming Habits
Let's Make Mille-Feuille! / Préparons une mille-feuille!
Constructing Classics: Exploring Game Design
Unlocking AI
Baby Adventures Storytime
Baby Adventures Storytime
Baby Adventures Storytime
Club Franco
Little Explorers Storytime
Little Explorers Storytime
Musical Babies
Tech Tutor 1-on-1
Writer's Corner: Ink Adventure