Enrich, Inspire, Transform
Telling a Story Through Photography with Danielle Horvath
  • Professional photographer Danielle Horvath will explain the inspiration behind her new exhibit March of the Living, 2023, available for viewing at the Bathurst Clark Resource Library, and will provide tips and tricks for taking great photos! In partnership with the UJA Federation of Greater Toronto.

    The exhibit March of the Living, 2023 will be on display at Bathurst Clark Resource Library from July 5th - August 30th.

    March of the Living is a yearly journey to Poland to learn about the Jewish community that once flourished in Europe and the tragedy of the Holocaust. This photography exhibit will follow a group of young adults through Poland as they learn about the Holocaust. Professional photographer Danielle Horvath accompanied the trip of 200 students and Holocaust Survivors.

    In partnership with the UJA Federation of Greater Toronto.



See also:

Keeping Connected

Tue Aug 6 11:00 AM
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