Enrich, Inspire, Transform
Advance Care Planning
  • What is an Advance Care Plan? Having conversations with loved ones about your future care wishes is important. Dr. Julie McIntyre discusses Advance Care Planning using Speak Up resources. Session is hosted on Zoom. Register on Eventbrite.

    Less than 1 in 5 Canadians have a written plan about their wishes if they were to become ill and unable to speak for themselves. This leaves family and caregivers scrambling in the event of a serious illness or unexpected death. Without a plan to guide them, there is potential for conflict, as loved ones advocate for what they think the person would want.

    To promote these important, but difficult conversations, there is Advance Care Planning Day in Canada. This workshop will provide participants with a safe place to learn about why Advance Care Planning is important for everyone, which resources are available and how to start a difficult conversation with loved ones.



See also:

Keeping Connected

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