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Books for Adults Book Clubs
Books Page 22 of 26, showing 10 records out of 252 total
Successful Aging
Levitin, Daniel J.

Author of the iconic bestsellers This Is Your Brain on Music and The Organized Mind , Daniel Levitin turns his keen insights to what happens in our brains as we age, why we should think about health span, not life span, and, based on a rigorous analysis of neuroscientific evidence, what you can do to make the most of your seventies, eighties, and nineties today no matter how old you are now. Successful Aging uses research from developmental neuroscience and the psychology of individual differences to show that sixty-plus years is a unique developmental stage that, like infancy or adolescence, has its own demands and distinct advantages. Levitin looks at the science behind what we all can learn from those who age joyously, as well as how to adapt our culture to take full advantage of older people's wisdom and experience. Throughout his exploration of what aging really means, Levitin reveals resilience strategies and practical, cognitive enhancing tricks everyone should do as they age.

(15 copies)  Reserve

Survival in the Killing Fields
Haing Ngor and Roger Warner

Best known for his Academy Award-winning role as Dith Pran in 'The Killing Fields', for Haing Ngor his greatest performance was not in Hollywood but in war-torn Cambodia. Here, in his memoir of life under the Khmer Rouge, is a searing account of a country's descent into hell.

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Sweetness At The Bottom Of The Pie, The
Alan Bradley

Eleven year old Flavia De Luce lives with her eccentric family in a dilapidated mansion in 1950s England. After hearing her father arguing with a red haired man she later finds the visitor dying in the garden. Using her keen detective skills, her knowlege of chemistry and her trusty bike, Gladys, Flavia tries to find out who killed him and why.

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Tale-Teller, The: A Novel
Susan Glickman

In 1738 Jacques Lafargue arrives in New France. But he is detained at the Quebec harbour by suspicious port officials. Their distrust proves warranted: instead of a young man their captive is a young woman and instead of answering their questions she spins tales of amazing curiosities.

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Tattooist of Auschwitz, The
Morris, Heather

Imprisoned for over two and a half years, Lale witnesses horrific atrocities and barbarism but also incredible acts of bravery and compassion. Risking his own life, he uses his privileged position to exchange jewels and money from murdered Jews for food to keep his fellow prisoners alive.

(15 copies)  Reserve

Tell: A Novel
Frances Itani

In 1919, only months after the end of the Great War, the men and women of Deseronto struggle to recover from wounds of the past, both visible and hidden. Kenan, a young soldier who has returned from the war damaged and disfigured, confines himself to his small house on the Bay of Quinte. His wife, attempting to adjust to the trauma that has changed their marriage, seeks advice from her Aunt Maggie. Maggie, along with her husband, Am, who cares for the town clock tower, have their own sorrows, which lie unacknowledged between them.

(15 copies)  Reserve

Testaments, The
Atwood, Margaret

Picks up the story fifteen years after Offred stepped into the unknown, with the explosive testaments narrated by three female characters.

(15 copies)  Reserve

That Time I Loved You
Leung, Carrianne

The suburbs of the 1970s promised to be Heaven on Earth--new houses, new status, happiness guaranteed. But in a Scarborough subdivision populated by newcomers from all over the world, a series of sudden catastrophic events reveals that not everyone's dreams come true. Moving from house to house, Carrianne Leung explores the inner lives behind the tidy front gardens and picture-perfect windows, always returning to June, an irrepressible adolescent Chinese-Canadian coming of age in this shifting world. Through June and her neighbours, Leung depicts the fine line where childhood meets the realities of adult life, and examines, with insight and sharp prose, how difficult it is to be true to ourselves at any age.

(15 copies)  Reserve

Kameron Hurley

SCIENCE FICTION - SPACE WARFARE They said the war would turn us into light. I wanted to be counted among the heroes who gave us this better world. The Light Brigade: it's what soldiers fighting the war against Mars call the ones who come back...different. Grunts in the corporate corps get busted down into light to travel to and from interplanetary battlefronts. Everyone is changed by what the corps must do in order to break them down into light. Those who survive learn to stick to the mission brief--no matter what actually happens during combat. Dietz, a fresh recruit in the infantry, begins to experience combat drops that don't sync up with the platoon's. And Dietz's bad drops tell a story of the war that's not at all what the corporate brass want the soldiers to think is going on. Is Dietz really experiencing the war differently, or is it combat madness? Trying to untangle memory from mission brief and survive with sanity intact, Dietz is ready to become a hero--or maybe a villain; in war it's hard to tell the difference. A worthy successor to classic stories like Downbelow Station , Starship Troopers , and The Forever War , The Light Brigade is award-winning author Kameron Hurley's gritty time-bending take on the future of war.

(15 copies)  Reserve

They Called Me Number One
Sellars, Bev

Shuswap Chief Bev Sellars recounts her residential school childhood at the St. Joseph's Mission at Williams Lake, British Columbia and the lasting effects her treatment there had on her later life.

(15 copies)  Reserve