Enrich, Inspire, Transform
Articles & Research
Alphabetical Listing of Databases

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Provides peer-reviewed, full-text articles from the world's leading journals and reference sources. Covers subjects such as the physical sciences, technology, medicine, social sciences, the arts, theology, literature and other subjects. Coverage is from 1980 - current. Available Online
Ancestry Library Edition is a genealogical database including census, vital, church, court, immigration, and other records from Canada, the United States, the United Kingdom and other areas. In-library Use Only
An online audiobook library collection of streaming audiobooks for children and adults. Listen online. Available Online
A comprehensive database of English-language books, videos, and audiocassettes currently in print or distribution. Lists details needed to order items for purchase (e.g., ISBN numbers). Available Online
Brainfuse HelpNow provides resources for students from kindergarten to grade 12, including access to live tutors, live French and Spanish language help, an online writing lab, LEAP learning platform and more! An Adult Learning Centre is also available. Get help with High School Equivalency preparation, the Canadian Citizenship Exam, Microsoft Office, Career Resources and more! Available Online

Le service Brainfuse HelpNow offre des ressources pour les élèves du préscolaire à la 12e année. Cela inclut du tutorat en direct disponible en français, un service d’aide à la rédaction et bien plus! Un centre de formation pour adulte est aussi disponible. Recevez de l’aide en français ou en anglais pour la préparation à l'équivalence du diplôme d'études secondaires et au test de citoyenneté canadienne. Des ressources professionnelles comme la rédaction de C.V. et l’apprentissage de Microsoft Office sont aussi offertes. Disponible en ligne
Brainfuse JobNow provides access to live resume experts, interview coaches and job coaches as well as resume templates, interview tips, skills surfer and more resources for job seekers. Available Online
This presents current Canadian demographic, education, health and aging, justice, housing, income, labour market, household, economic, travel, financial, agricultural, foreign trade and environmental statistics. This is an open resource for everyone and not VPL-subscribed. Available Online
Discover Canada's social and economic past through the people, events and facts that have shaped this vast country. This is an open resource for everyone and not VPL-subscribed. Available Online
Find accurate phone-verified information on every company in Canada in this database of 1.9 million businesses. Additionally their files are processed monthly against the National Change of Address Program. Available Online
The Canadian Encyclopedia plays an essential role in providing Canadians and others with accurate, updated information about our people and country. This is an open resource for everyone and not VPL-subscribed. Available Online
This database includes leading Canadian periodicals and international periodicals in full text, full-text reference books, thousands of full-text biographies and an image collection containing more than one million photos, maps and flags. The collection also includes images from Canadian Press. Available Online
Research 11 million Canadian households with the largest database available. Records are 100% publicly sourced to comply with Canadian privacy laws. Available Online
Welcome to Cantook Station, your HQ for French e-books and e-audiobooks. All you need to start borrowing are your library card and your pin. Download the Cantook app, or any other Cantook Station approved apps to access this service on all your devices! For more information, check out the helpful Startup Guides.

Bienvenue à Cantook Sation, votre référence pour les livres numériques et audios en français. Pour y accéder, vous avez simplement besoin de votre carte de bibliothèque et de votre nip. En téléchargeant l’application Cantook ou une des autres applications approuvées par Cantook Station, vous aurez accès à ce service de livres numériques sur tous vos appareils! Pour plus d’information, consultez les Guides de démarrage.

Available Online
CBC Corner - Discover the best Canadian shows, stories & more. This one-of-a-kind digital portal allows you to access a wide variety of content including trusted news, local stories, entertaining TV and radio shows, award-winning podcasts, educational kids content, innovative podcasts, a free English and French language learning app, news in foreign languages and much more! Available Online

L’espace Radio-Canada vous permet de découvrir le meilleur du contenu canadien. Ce portail numérique offre un accès direct à de l’information digne de confiance, des émissions de radio et des reportages locaux, des émissions de télévision divertissantes, des documentaires, films et balados primés, des contenus éducatifs pour enfants, les derniers résultats sportifs, ou encore une application d’apprentissage linguistique pour améliorer son français ou son anglais! Disponible en ligne
Join the Online Fiction, Non-Fiction, Romance, or Business Books Clubs and start reading books in your email. Each day we’ll send you a 5-minute portion of a book. By the end of the week, you’ll have read 2-3 chapters. If you’d like to finish a book, stop by the library and pick up a copy. Every week a new book is featured. Sign up today and start reading tomorrow! (Service provided by Chapter-A-Day.com.) Available Online
Since 1974, CLEO (Community Legal Education Ontario / Éducation juridique communautaire Ontario) has developed clear, accurate, and practical legal rights education and information to help people understand and exercise their legal rights. Its work focuses on providing information to people who face barriers to accessing the justice system, including income, disability, literacy, and language. This is an open resource for everyone and not VPL-subscribed. Available Online
CodeCombat is a game-based learning platform to teach yourself how to code. You'll be using real-text coding (Python, C++, or JavaScript) to solve puzzles and learn the concepts of coding, web design and game design. With over 500 levels to play and a competitive AI coding league, CodeCombat offers a comprehensive and engaging experience to those wanting to learn how to code.

Access Instructions

  1. Click on "Available Online" below to be taken to the Code Combat website.
  2. If you are outside of the library, you will need to first log in with your library card number and PIN before continuing to the Code Combat website.
  3. At the Code Combat website, create a Code Combat account with your library card number, or "Sign In" if you already have an account.
Available Online
Provides access to current Consumer Reports information. Available Online
Coursera is an education platform that partners with top universities and organizations worldwide, to offer courses online for anyone to take, and some courses are free. This is an open resource for everyone and not VPL-subscribed. Available Online
A dictionary of biographical entries for individuals who have contributed to the history of Canada. Fifteen volumes have so far been published with more than 8,400 biographies of individuals who died or whose last known activity fell between the years 1000 and 1930. The entire print edition is online, along with some additional biographies to the year 2000. This is an open resource for everyone and not VPL-subscribed. Available Online
Le Dictionnaire biographique du Canada (en anglais Dictionary of Canadian Biography) est un dictionnaire d'entrées biographiques sur les individus qui ont contribué à l'histoire du Canada. This is an open resource for everyone and not VPL-subscribed. Available Online
EdX is a massive open online course and online learning platform. It hosts online university-level courses in a wide range of disciplines to a worldwide audience at no charge. This is an open resource for everyone and not VPL-subscribed. Available Online
York Region's Youth Food Committee's magazine Food For Thought features original essays, stories, poems, art, photos and recipes created by youth aged 30 and under who live, work or have roots in York Region. It's aim is to provide a platform for youth to share their experiences and reflections of the current food systems. Available Online
A collection of documents detailing colonial life in America, Africa, and Australasia by European settlers from 1650 - 1920. Available Online
Provides access to specialized reference sources in various subjects: arts, business, education, history, medicine, religion, science, social science, technology, etc. Available Online
This database offers detailed "how-to" instructions and creative ideas to meet the interests of virtually every hobby enthusiast. Full text is provided from leading hobby and craft magazines. Note: This site requires a Vaughan Public Libraries Card to sign in. Available Online
Borrow free digital video with your library card. Gain access to Hoopla titles - available for instant streaming or temporarily download - and watch on your smartphone, tablet or computer. Note: Now with an additional 4,000+ junior and young adult titles migrated over from OverDrive. Available Online

Kanopy is a video streaming service which offers over 30,000 critically acclaimed films. The selection ranges from new popular titles, classics, world cinema, art and indie as well as top rated documentaries. Your library card will get you started watching on your pc or mobile devices.

Available Online

  1. Sign up for a new account via Facebook or Google or using your email.
  2. If you sign up with your email, you will receive an email message asking you to verify your email address.
  3. If you are prompted to find your library, type in ‘Vaughan Public Libraries’.
  4. Click “Add library card”, enter your VPL library card number and PIN and click Save.
  5. Your Kanopy membership with VPL is now activated and you can start watching.

How to Watch Movies on Kanopy

Kermode uses cutting-edge software and guides to help teachers and students evaluate online content, build media literacy skills, and think critically about all the content they consume online. Available Online
L'Encyclopédie canadienne, d'abord connue comme Encyclopédie du Canada, est une encyclopédie qui se veut « la source d'information sur le Canada la mieux fondée et la plus complète ». Disponible gratuitement en ligne, elle est à la fois en anglais et en français et inclut quelque 14 000 articles sur une variété de sujets, notamment l'histoire, la culture populaire, les évènements, les personnes, les localités, la politique, l'art, les Premières Nations, les sports et la science. This is an open resource for everyone and not VPL-subscribed. Available Online
LinkedIn Learning (previously called Lynda.com) gives users free access to thousands of video tutorial courses with a focus on such areas as technology, software development, business skills, project management as well as creative skills like animation and video editing. The courses are taught by recognized industry experts who will guide you along in learning the skills you need for your personal and professional development.

For security and privacy purposes, access to LinkedIn Learning with your library card cannot connect with your personal LinkedIn account. Any achieved course certifications will not feature your name as a result.

Available Online

How to use LinkedIn Learning

PDF Desktop Instructions PDF (1989 KB)

PDF Mobile Instructions PDF (564 KB)

How to add Certificates to your LinkedIn Profile

LOTE4Kids is an online database of children's books in dozens of different languages, that allows kids to enjoy the magic of books in LOTE (Languages Other Than English ). Each book also comes with English translations to help kids learn language. LOTE4Kids has 3000+ digital picture books in 65+ languages, with new books and languages released each month.
Download the LOTE4Kids app from the Apple App store or Google Play store.
Available Online
Designed for public libraries, this database provides full text for magazines, reference books and primary source documents. It also includes an extensive image collection containing photos, maps and flags. Available Online
An online music library containing over 1.6 million streaming audio tracks of classical music, jazz, world, and folk music - more than 100,000 albums' worth! Stream on your computer or on your mobile device with the Naxos Music Library (NML) app. Available Online
NYTimes.com is a multi-platform news tool that provides full access to New York Times and International New York Times content, including breaking news, multimedia, reviews and opinion, blogs, videos and more. Also available in Chinese and Spanish.

Access from Library Computers or Library WI-FI

  1. Create an account with your personal email address, or “Log In” if you already have a New York Times account
  2. You now have unlimited access to New York Times articles


Out-of-Library Access

  1. Log in with your library card number and PIN
  2. Click ‘REDEEM’
  3. Create an account with your personal email address, or “Log In” if you already have a New York Times account
  4. You now have 72 hours out-of-library unlimited access to New York Times articles
New York Times Cooking is an inspiring cooking guide, innovative and interactive kitchen tool and diverse recipe collection that helps home cooks of every level discover, save and organize the world’s best recipes, while also helping them become better, more competent cooks.

Access Instructions

  1. If you're accessing from outside of library, first login with your library card number and PIN
  2. Click ‘REDEEM’
  3. Create an account with your personal email address, or “Log In” if you already have a New York Times account
  4. You now have 24 hours access to New York Times Cooking
New York Times Games have captivated solvers since the launch of the Crossword in 1942. Enjoy these expertly created engaging and visual games (including Wordle) which stimulate and keep the mind sharp.

Access Instructions

  1. If you're accessing from outside of library, first login with your library card number and PIN
  2. Click ‘REDEEM’
  3. Create an account with your personal email address, or “Log In” if you already have a New York Times account
  4. You now have 24 hours access to New York Times Games
An electronic resource that contains materials for all Kindergarten to Grade 8 levels and includes picture books, children's chapter books and young adult titles. Allows young readers and teachers to search titles by favorite author name, title, series name, and theme or topic. Also provides lists of award-winning and recommended books. Includes thematic units for teachers. Available Online
An electronic reader's advisory resource that assists fiction readers in finding new authors and titles. Allow readers to use a favourite author or title as a template to locate other authors and titles of interest. Can be searched by keyword, and offers the option to browse over 1,200 theme-oriented book lists, 160 award lists, and 1,000 fiction-related Web sites. Contains materials for all ages. Available Online
Check out and download eBooks and eAudiobooks using your library card. Note: We have moved all junior and young adult eBooks and eAudiobooks over to Hoopla. Available Online

OverDrive offers full colour, interactive digital magazines for your enjoyment. Browse from VPL's collection of popular titles with no holds, and no limit to the number of magazines you can download.

RBdigital is now acquired by OverDrive and the platform transfer has completed. Over 3,000 magazine titles are now available in OverDrive and the Libby app.

Available Online
Instant access to 4000 newspapers from 100 countries in 60 languages! The newspapers appear in their original format and original languages. Newspapers are often available before they hit the newsstands in their respective countries. PressReader features archived issues up to two weeks, a magnifying lens / zoom option, bookmarks, and full-text search. Newspapers are organized by country, by language, and alphabetically. Note: The Globe and Mail is only accessible from using PressReader mobile app in the library using library WiFi. Mobile users can install the PressReader app, visit the library, connect to library WiFi, and download The Globe and Mail to the app, and then they can read the newspaper at home or on the go. Available Online
Search through a database of popular children magazines, encyclopedic entries, and images to learn about a range of topics geared towards elementary students. Available Online

With thousands of librarian-selected titles covering Asian Studies, Women's Studies, Black Studies, Hispanic/Latino Studies, and much more, ProQuest’s DEI Ebook Subscription is the most comprehensive, focused curated subscription developed to represent all voices – regardless of gender, race, sexual orientation, physical ability, and religious belief. It supports teaching, learning, and research in the classroom and beyond.

Anonymous access allows for reading the eBooks online in the web browser. To download the eBooks, you will need to create an account in the ProQuest platform.

Available Online
Scott’s Canadian Business Directory lists Canadian manufacturers, wholesalers, distributors, sales agents and business services providers. This information is updated annually. Available Online
SimplyAnalytics is a web-based mapping, analytics and data visualization program providing demographic information (population, age, language, income, housing, education, race & ethnicity and more), current estimates and 5-year projections, household spending data on hundreds of goods and services, and over one million Canadian business profiles from Dun & Bradstreet (D&B). Available Online
SimplyAnalytics is a web-based mapping, analytics and data visualization program providing demographic information (population, age, language, income, housing, education, race & ethnicity and more), current estimates and 5-year projections, household spending data on hundreds of goods and services, and over one million Canadian business profiles from Dun & Bradstreet (D&B). For more information, check out the helpful Startup Guides.
Self-serve standard products available on the Statistics Canada website ― including DATA and census data products ― are now free of charge. This is an open resource for everyone and not VPL-subscribed. Available Online
TeenBookCloud offers over 600 titles for middle school AND high school! This collection contains a vast array of YA/Teen novels, classics, poetry, short stories, YA/Teen audiobooks , popular graphic novels, and world class educational videos from National Geographic. Available Online
Formerly known as Pages of the Past. The online archives of the Toronto Star dating from 1894 until the new millennium. Millions of pages available for genealogical or historic research from the pages of one of Canada's most prestigious Newspapers.

Note: After you login with library barcode and PIN, you will need to input your barcode again to access the content. Available Online
Welcome to Transparent Language Online, radically better language learning in one complete experience. Available Online
Bienvenue chez Transparent Language Online, le meilleur endroit pour apprendre une nouvelle langue. Disponible en ligne
TumbleBook Library offers animated, talking picture books for kids. Read and listen along! Available Online
Formerly known as Reference Canada, Data Axle Reference Group is the go-to resource for comprehensive data on businesses, tailored to the needs of small business owners, marketing professionals, entrepreneurs, researchers, and job seekers. It empowers users to create marketing plans, conduct competitive analysis, and secure funding. This platform offers detailed profiles of over 2.6 million Canadian businesses, 7+ million job postings, internships, making it an invaluable research tool for job seekers, businesses, and researchers. Available Online
The encyclopedia provides the complete picture of the history and culture of Jews in Eastern Europe from the beginnings of their settlement in the region to the present. This is an open resource for everyone and not VPL-subscribed. Available Online
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The support of the Government of Ontario through the Ministry of Tourism, Culture and Sport is gratefully acknowledged.