Enrich, Inspire, Transform
Articles & Research
Alphabetical Listing of Databases

Arts & Culture
Provides peer-reviewed, full-text articles from the world's leading journals and reference sources. Covers subjects such as the physical sciences, technology, medicine, social sciences, the arts, theology, literature and other subjects. Coverage is from 1980 - current. Available Online
The Canadian Encyclopedia plays an essential role in providing Canadians and others with accurate, updated information about our people and country. This is an open resource for everyone and not VPL-subscribed. Available Online
A dictionary of biographical entries for individuals who have contributed to the history of Canada. Fifteen volumes have so far been published with more than 8,400 biographies of individuals who died or whose last known activity fell between the years 1000 and 1930. The entire print edition is online, along with some additional biographies to the year 2000. This is an open resource for everyone and not VPL-subscribed. Available Online
Provides access to specialized reference sources in various subjects: arts, business, education, history, medicine, religion, science, social science, technology, etc. Available Online
An online music library containing over 1.6 million streaming audio tracks of classical music, jazz, world, and folk music - more than 100,000 albums' worth! Stream on your computer or on your mobile device with the Naxos Music Library (NML) app. Available Online
The encyclopedia provides the complete picture of the history and culture of Jews in Eastern Europe from the beginnings of their settlement in the region to the present. This is an open resource for everyone and not VPL-subscribed. Available Online
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The support of the Government of Ontario through the Ministry of Tourism, Culture and Sport is gratefully acknowledged.