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Articles & Research
Alphabetical Listing of Databases

Books & Reading
An online audiobook library collection of streaming audiobooks for children and adults. Listen online. Available Online
A comprehensive database of English-language books, videos, and audiocassettes currently in print or distribution. Lists details needed to order items for purchase (e.g., ISBN numbers). Available Online
Welcome to Cantook Station, your HQ for French e-books and e-audiobooks. All you need to start borrowing are your library card and your pin. Download the Cantook app, or any other Cantook Station approved apps to access this service on all your devices! For more information, check out the helpful Startup Guides.

Bienvenue à Cantook Sation, votre référence pour les livres numériques et audios en français. Pour y accéder, vous avez simplement besoin de votre carte de bibliothèque et de votre nip. En téléchargeant l’application Cantook ou une des autres applications approuvées par Cantook Station, vous aurez accès à ce service de livres numériques sur tous vos appareils! Pour plus d’information, consultez les Guides de démarrage.

Available Online
Join the Online Fiction, Non-Fiction, Romance, or Business Books Clubs and start reading books in your email. Each day we’ll send you a 5-minute portion of a book. By the end of the week, you’ll have read 2-3 chapters. If you’d like to finish a book, stop by the library and pick up a copy. Every week a new book is featured. Sign up today and start reading tomorrow! (Service provided by Chapter-A-Day.com.) Available Online
Provides access to specialized reference sources in various subjects: arts, business, education, history, medicine, religion, science, social science, technology, etc. Available Online
Borrow free digital video with your library card. Gain access to Hoopla titles - available for instant streaming or temporarily download - and watch on your smartphone, tablet or computer. Note: Now with an additional 4,000+ junior and young adult titles migrated over from OverDrive. Available Online
LOTE4Kids is an online database of children's books in dozens of different languages, that allows kids to enjoy the magic of books in LOTE (Languages Other Than English ). Each book also comes with English translations to help kids learn language. LOTE4Kids has 3000+ digital picture books in 65+ languages, with new books and languages released each month.
Download the LOTE4Kids app from the Apple App store or Google Play store.
Available Online
An electronic resource that contains materials for all Kindergarten to Grade 8 levels and includes picture books, children's chapter books and young adult titles. Allows young readers and teachers to search titles by favorite author name, title, series name, and theme or topic. Also provides lists of award-winning and recommended books. Includes thematic units for teachers. Available Online
An electronic reader's advisory resource that assists fiction readers in finding new authors and titles. Allow readers to use a favourite author or title as a template to locate other authors and titles of interest. Can be searched by keyword, and offers the option to browse over 1,200 theme-oriented book lists, 160 award lists, and 1,000 fiction-related Web sites. Contains materials for all ages. Available Online
Check out and download eBooks and eAudiobooks using your library card. Note: We have moved all junior and young adult eBooks and eAudiobooks over to Hoopla. Available Online

OverDrive offers full colour, interactive digital magazines for your enjoyment. Browse from VPL's collection of popular titles with no holds, and no limit to the number of magazines you can download.

RBdigital is now acquired by OverDrive and the platform transfer has completed. Over 3,000 magazine titles are now available in OverDrive and the Libby app.

Available Online

With thousands of librarian-selected titles covering Asian Studies, Women's Studies, Black Studies, Hispanic/Latino Studies, and much more, ProQuest’s DEI Ebook Subscription is the most comprehensive, focused curated subscription developed to represent all voices – regardless of gender, race, sexual orientation, physical ability, and religious belief. It supports teaching, learning, and research in the classroom and beyond.

Anonymous access allows for reading the eBooks online in the web browser. To download the eBooks, you will need to create an account in the ProQuest platform.

Available Online
TeenBookCloud offers over 600 titles for middle school AND high school! This collection contains a vast array of YA/Teen novels, classics, poetry, short stories, YA/Teen audiobooks , popular graphic novels, and world class educational videos from National Geographic. Available Online
TumbleBook Library offers animated, talking picture books for kids. Read and listen along! Available Online
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The support of the Government of Ontario through the Ministry of Tourism, Culture and Sport is gratefully acknowledged.