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Alphabetical Listing of Databases

Canadian Resources
This presents current Canadian demographic, education, health and aging, justice, housing, income, labour market, household, economic, travel, financial, agricultural, foreign trade and environmental statistics. This is an open resource for everyone and not VPL-subscribed. Available Online
Discover Canada's social and economic past through the people, events and facts that have shaped this vast country. This is an open resource for everyone and not VPL-subscribed. Available Online
Find accurate phone-verified information on every company in Canada in this database of 1.9 million businesses. Additionally their files are processed monthly against the National Change of Address Program. Available Online
The Canadian Encyclopedia plays an essential role in providing Canadians and others with accurate, updated information about our people and country. This is an open resource for everyone and not VPL-subscribed. Available Online
This database includes leading Canadian periodicals and international periodicals in full text, full-text reference books, thousands of full-text biographies and an image collection containing more than one million photos, maps and flags. The collection also includes images from Canadian Press. Available Online
Research 11 million Canadian households with the largest database available. Records are 100% publicly sourced to comply with Canadian privacy laws. Available Online
Since 1974, CLEO (Community Legal Education Ontario / Éducation juridique communautaire Ontario) has developed clear, accurate, and practical legal rights education and information to help people understand and exercise their legal rights. Its work focuses on providing information to people who face barriers to accessing the justice system, including income, disability, literacy, and language. This is an open resource for everyone and not VPL-subscribed. Available Online
A dictionary of biographical entries for individuals who have contributed to the history of Canada. Fifteen volumes have so far been published with more than 8,400 biographies of individuals who died or whose last known activity fell between the years 1000 and 1930. The entire print edition is online, along with some additional biographies to the year 2000. This is an open resource for everyone and not VPL-subscribed. Available Online
Scott’s Canadian Business Directory lists Canadian manufacturers, wholesalers, distributors, sales agents and business services providers. This information is updated annually. Available Online
Self-serve standard products available on the Statistics Canada website ― including DATA and census data products ― are now free of charge. This is an open resource for everyone and not VPL-subscribed. Available Online
Formerly known as Pages of the Past. The online archives of the Toronto Star dating from 1894 until the new millennium. Millions of pages available for genealogical or historic research from the pages of one of Canada's most prestigious Newspapers.

Note: After you login with library barcode and PIN, you will need to input your barcode again to access the content. Available Online
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