Enrich, Inspire, Transform
Summer Company Info Session
  • Interested in starting a business? Get mentorship from Vaughan’s business community. Learn about resources, services, and funding. For students 15-29 who will be returning to school in the fall. In partnership with VBEC. Join us in person or on Zoom. Register on Eventbrite.

    Work for the best boss ever – You!

    Are you a student between ages 15-29 and returning to school in the fall? Do you have a passion to start and operate a full-time business over the summer? Here is the opportunity to access mentorship from Vaughan’s business community, tools, services, and workshops to make your goals a reality, as well as get up to $3,000 in provincial grant funding to kick-start your business.

    Come out in person to the Civic Centre Resource Library or join virtually and learn more about the application process, program requirements, and how to write your business plan.

    Apply now to the Summer Company program that prepares young entrepreneurs with a pipeline of tools, skills, connections, and resources required to succeed. Space is limited for this program.

    We encourage students to reach out to Vaughan Business and Entrepreneurship Centre at ed@vaughan.ca if they have any questions about the program. The information sessions are co-hosted by Vaughan Public Libraries and Vaughan Business and Entrepreneurship Centre.




See also:

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