Enrich, Inspire, Transform
McMichael Art Challenge
  • Compete in a challenge to create your own art and poetry inspired by Indigenous artist Norval Morrisseau. For grades 8-12. Presented by McMichael Canadian Art Collection.
    Challenge yourself with this creative pastel drawing challenge and poetry slam inspired by the artwork of Norval Morrisseau! Participants will develop a creative artist’s statement based on their artwork, which they will share with the group. Instructors will begin the session with an introduction to the visual language of the Woodlands school of painting as demonstrated through Morrisseau’s artwork. Using large-scale reproductions, they will discuss line, shape, colour, and the rich tradition of Indigenous storytelling, highlighting the connection between the natural and spiritual world while encouraging participants to respond in their own creative way. Following the artmaking challenge, participants will be tasked with developing an artist’s statement using prompts from the instructors. Each participant will be encouraged to present their statement alongside their artwork. Participants will also write a short poem related to their work, which they will be able to share in a poetry slam. The winning work will be awarded a special prize!



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