Enrich, Inspire, Transform
Java Music Club
  • Find laughter, joy, camaraderie and song while in a mutually supportive environment, in collaboration with Circle of Care. This program is for older adults. For registration, contact Devorah from Circle of Care at 437-339-6433.

    The Java music program brings people together with an interactive approach that spreads happiness. Through peer support, Java participants experience increase happiness while working through personal reflection and music.



See also:

Keeping Connected

Tue Aug 6 11:00 AM
CCRL   Contact

Virtual ESL Café

Tue Aug 6 1:30 PM

True Stories Book Club

Tue Aug 6 7:00 PM
CCRL   Contact

Tech Tutor 1-on-1

Wed Jul 3 6:00 PM
CCRL   Contact

Newcomer Tenant Education Program

Wed Jul 10 6:30 PM
BCRL   Contact