Enrich, Inspire, Transform
Families Take Flight / Les familles en vol
  • Ever wondered what it's like to fly? Join us for bilingual aviation activities, then maneuver your body to fly the onscreen airplane in the Ace Academy Flight Exhibit!

    Familles! Rêvez-vous de voler? Rejoignez-nous pour des activités sur le thème de l'aviation. Ensuite, essayez le jeu vidéo Ace Academy dans lequel vos mouvements contrôleront le vol de l'avion.

    The Ace Academy Exhibit is coming to Pierre Berton Resource Library from January 17 to March 13, 2023! It features an immersive experience for participants to “fly” a WWI era aircraft.

    On January 20, 2023, bring the whole family to try it out and enjoy the Families Take Flight/Les Familles en Vol activity stations as well.



See also: