A beginner's guide to acupuncture : treating common ailments through traditional Chinese medicine / Bouttell, Bleanor
With ever-greater exchanges being made between Eastern and Western cultures, traditional Chinese medicine and acupuncture therapy are being increasingly utilized around the world, benefiting more and more people. Are you interested in the benefits of acupuncture, but aren't sure how to accurately select acupuncture points? Are you struggling to understand which acupuncture techniques correspond to which symptoms? This book provides a comprehensive introduction to acupuncture, including basic principles, acupoint selection methods, and acupuncture techniques, precautions, and specific methods for treating various common diseases. It is illustrated with pictures and texts, and all steps are described in detail. With this inspiring and practical reference book designed for beginners and professionals alike. Master all aspects of acupuncture knowledge, including its origins and principles, what meridians and acupuncture points are, effective techniques, and things to avoid. Learn how to select acupuncture points quickly and accurately. Detailed location descriptions and pictures allow readers with zero knowledge to find acupuncture points easily. Learn about the 33 common ailments, selected by the author, for which acupuncture has the best clinical efficacy, including internal medicine, orthopaedics, gynecology, and ENT, and learn to use acupuncture to improve colds, toothache, stomachache, insomnia, cervical spondylosis, irregular periods and other painful symptoms. Understand the different symptoms and/or stages of a range of common ailments, and how to combine different acupuncture programs to provide targeted relief. Own a catalogue of detailed acupuncture treatment methods, including essential acupoints, acupoint locating methods, and acupuncture techniques such as needle insertion depth and insertion duration. Each step is accompanied by a teaching diagram to maximize accuracy.